Final Splash for Barack Obama: Beyonce + Jay-Z + Diddy + MJB
One more day until history is made. If you’re anything like me, all the election commentary on the news today sounds like yabble-babble. Want to know how ridiculously scattershot John McCain’s campaign has been? Only today are his Obama ~ Reverend Wright ads being pushed in force. The Drudge Report looks like the Sludge Report, with the number of wacky Obama headlines they have up.
Even the Palin jokes are lame. Will she run in 2012? Sure and she’ll still be winking and embarrassing the leaders of the Republican party. Enough is enough.
It’s time to vote and make it official: Barack Obama 44th president of the United States of America
I’ve got to say, though, with the long, winding lines and eight hour wait times at early voting places, it is going to be a crazy day. Stick it out and do all you can to make sure that your vote is counted. I mean that literally. There have been reports in West Virginia and Tennessee of voting machines flipping votes. This guy demonstrates..
How a Voting Machine Flips Votes
“You should never leave the machine without voting for the person you wanted to vote for.”
I hope Hacking Democracy won’t need a sequel.
Yesterday, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Diddy, Mary J. Blige, and Russell Simmons were in Miramar, Florida and talked to voters waiting in line to cast their votes..
Beyonce made her way to the people and..
kissed a few babies.
So did Jay.
There’s ‘Uncle Russ’
Mary J. Blige ~ This year, she really looks like she’s finally shaken that drama loose..
We’ll close with Jay aka master of the no look autograph.
Why can’t all voting lines be this fun?
☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼
With Mccain and his sleezy campaign trying to tie Obama to Rev. Wright radical views…one needs to remember that Mccain is not only tied to Bush but confessed with his own lips enthusiastically that he has voted with Bush 90% of the time. Not only that he has been in Washington for 24 yrs….why wasn’t change important then??? Its clear Mccain would just be another George Bush. VOTE OBAMA!!!
very nice
I agree very well put..!
Infact type JusNod in ya google and check out the Tribute song I did on the myspace.
i think shes flexin her face