New Video: Brandy feat. Chris Brown “Put it Down”
Brandy is back with the video for “Put it Down”, her collaboration with Chris Brown. Directed by Hype Williams, it’s splashed with vibrant colors and the high gloss slickness that a singer on Brandy’s level is accustomed to. A few weeks ago Brandy was on The Skorpion Show talking about this video. She said she had to put in some work to keep up with Chris Brown’s dance moves, but that physical awkwardness never hit the screen.
The moments are few, but..
Brandy took it down low.
And then hit him with some old school.
This is a good video, better than I expected and builds anticipation for more of the same from Brandy’s new album 211 due for release, October 2.
☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼
I want to remind you all of the problem of 10 year-old prepubescent girls being prostituted in the inner cities of America.
Why is it I am the only person who has any urgency to stop this?
There was a very real perception that bi-racial was much worse for the white than it was for the person of color. The liberal culture screamed racism when there is a very reasonable explanation for this reality::::
In this white punishment known as the United States the person of color has already adopted the disfavors/temptations intended for another race. But by associating/mating with a person of color the white is newly adopting the disfavors of another culture.
And this is the reason why people of color are not welcome in the United States. The gods control everything:::The perception they want to create, the thoughts they want you to have.
People of color can’t recover from absorbing the temptations from two cultures. And why they become more and more like so many blacks in America:::Veterans at absorbing the temptations of two cultures.
To further illustrate this is why California’s educational system/funding was ranked #1 when California was white:::Education being the basis of the affluent economic system. Now even public higher education has become unaffordable.
Let me illustrate the power of their technology:::
The gods create the perception of global warming by beeming heat into (cold out) of the polar icepacks, ultimately causing rising sea levels. As they can listen to your thoughts and affect your behavior so can they the animal kingdom, which is behind the changing migrating patterns of hundreds of millions of birds and animals all at once, changing growth patterns for foliage as well as the changing weathern patterns we all experience.
Similarly, the gods can alter your percption of food. They can beem sugar out of fruit, flavor out of meat.
I suspect like the biotechnology issue they use genetic engineering to accomplish the goal of bland produce (and reduced nutrition) to eliminate their culpability, but do not paint with such a broad brush. Rather it occurrs on an individual-by-individual basis. This way they can maintain control::::Conditioning/reinforcement and denial at the same dinner table.
Realize they can also affect taste, so their options are open. As with the retard, military draft vs. volunteer force and other examples from earlier, expect it boils down to an issue of culpability::If the gods don’t accept blame they don’t have to “make it up to us” and the decay we experience accelerates when you are reincarnated without their assistance in placement or during life.
The gods placed us all into our own corners of the globe. As such for thousands of years we spent time and reproduced with out own kind.
This is why mobilty/travel, biracial unions/offspring and partaking of other cultures is a sin::::
Each has it’s own elements of disfavor, and by experiencing other cultures you are being exposed to these disfavors, which if people may adopt will make their state even worse than prior.
The United States has been considered a “melting pot” where rejects from around the world were sent when kicked out of their motherland.
Remember, this concept of cultural diversity is an element of the liberal platform the gods used to promote societal decay, revealed on the map with the “beast” that is the SanFranciscoBayArea and the spread of social deterioration that spread to the rest of the country and eventually to the entire globe.
The gods are in possession of absolute power and always have had total control over proceedings on Planet Earth using the tools at their disposal to manage and achieve the desired perception and results in society. One of these tools is clone “clone host” fake people.
As people age the gods bestow wisdom according to their level of favor. All people would achieve this wisdom at some level, and some would change their path in life. Because of the importance of the upper eschelons in Earth’s decay the gods used this tool of clone hosts to ensure nothing changes as would when their “reals” learned::A constant turnover of eager 20 year-old preditors fresh out of high school ensures a fresh new supply of young people eager to “earn”. Ironic it is the youth who ensures Planet Earth’s stagnation, whereas society says something quite opposite.
Only through a historical event like this Situation is large-scale change possible. It’s not only an issue of the 20 year-olds learning they made a mistake with their choice but also of the gods still being willing to allow this macro change.
As with some things in this life “less is more”. Sex is one of those things. They used the liberal age to promote casual “free” sex intentionally::Combined with “women’s lib” and their initiation into the “trenches” of the workplace people experineced a mass masculinization of their females.
The gods use sex as temptation. This is why the most disfavored among us are preoccupied with it. While some may feel being well-endowed is a sign of favor the truth is just the opposite. And often the result is misogyny, a belittling of the favored gender, and stagnation of the people as a whole.
Less is more. When young women experience passing thoughts which say you’re doing something wrong instead of fighting or dismissing the though you should heed the warning. Sadly in today’s world too many experience prolonged periods of promiscuity in their lives, whereas if married by 15 like throughout human history this disfavor was avoided.
The gods used Christainity as temptation to repel people away from themselves. The pentagram is charecterized by xtianity as a symbol of Satan but ironically the reality is the opposite:::The god’s holy symbol. Similarly, the penticle, the reverse pentagram, is the real symbol of hatred of the gods. As far as the gods see it if those foolish enough to behave in this manner hate the gods then they should have the real thing, which will cost them in the end.
Don’t forget::::It is not a house of Jesus.
Christianity is evil. It is responsible for slavery of Africans. It is responsible for this wicked reject dumping ground known as the United States which was used to destroy the Old World around the globe.
There is a major difference between how Europe and the rest of the world were inflicted with xtianity:::Push vs. pull strategy. As a result, expect the “1000 years with Jesus on Earth” may be reserved for the Europeans and few others who were forced into this evil religion:::The god’s management of culpability defines the level of compensation everyone receives.
The god’s primary goal with this Situation was their minimization of culpability arising from inflicting us with the 20th century and/or liberal counter-culture. Everything I have taught is true. Now that this Situation is complete the disfavored have been taught. The gods are no longer/minimally responsible from this point forward, pitiful “reach around” compensation for ruining your Planet Earth, which is what liberalism has done. Their empty promise to me “We’ll make it up to him.” has been met with similar inadequate compensation in your case, and the gods will find a way to wash their hands of this obligation to me as well.
If they were honest how little they ultimately intended to grant us our sacrifice would have ended long ago, but they used this lie “We’ll make it up to them.” to further our misery, with absolution of obligation on the agenda for the future. I am that clue.
My experience is obscene. I paid everything. But at least the gods got what they wanted.
The gods offered Clues about my importance, who I am. They occurr on a weekly, even a DAILY basis. The tip of the iceberg is listed below::
Air France’s Concorde
Christa McAuliffe, Concord, NH
Carnaval’s Costa Concordia
Concord:::In the “eye of The Beast”
Downey Savings
1998:: “He gets 4 years.”, “(His chance is OVER!!)”:::2.1.03 (SS Columbia) & 11.26.03 (AĆ©rospatiale-BAC Concorde).
My miracle of Ocean Beach, witnessed by MILLIONS on the West Coast
Diablo’s Mt. Zion:::Slowly being eaten away until one day paradise is gone forever
Carry That Weight
Unit 731::TSUSHOGO
Zastava Koral
Had I did the right thing and prayed/worked on my problems instead their audience would have been decieved with developments::::
1. When I got sick, punishment for being PUSHED into my evil, they would have told the disfavored I was being f**ked for not doing as I was told.
2. When I continued and reached the maximum progress the gods would allow in this life they would have killed me and sold it to the disfavored as if I refused to change. This would have effectively eliminated any dissention and/or attempts for the disfavored to change on their own. (Both these dates were inevitable::One accomplished, the other scripted into their agenda, and just like 2008 it is a concrete date.)
As frightened of death as you may be both these developments are good, contrary to appearances. The goal in life is to make as much progress as quickly as possible and be reincaranted, for society is constantly in a state of decay, enhancing temptations, and new things are added which could trip up a young candidate, negating any claims of “forgiveness”. The addition of HD video games and social media illustrate how new media captures targetted genders.
As it turned out I instead explained how the gods do business, how they used liberal politics to accelerate the path of deterioration. Also realize how crucial this understanding is, a requirement to the disfavored’s ability to change their lives, because they needed to understand before they could accept they went the wrong way for all these decades.
Long long ago the gods made the decision to end on Planet Earth. As such they force reincarnation of individuals who are long past Damnation, allowing them to continue justifying decaying Earth at the rapid pace we experience.
Ronald Reagan spent the communist block into submission with defense buildup, and in the process increased the National debt from $1 trillion in 1980 to $6 trillion when he left office.
W charged both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars to the national debt, honest numbers to come.
The gods used W to initiate the “Great Recession” with deliberate legislation/regulation changes, allowing the sub-prime fiasco and corporate irresponsibility/criminal behavior which led to the multi-trillion dollar stimulous package, pocketted by Republican friends and donors::::$5 trillion charged to the National credit card.
This corruption is one element of evil in the party of good. War mongering is another.
Damned if you do, Damned if you don’t::::With the Democrats you subscribe to social decay via liberlism. Republicans are being used by the gods to bankrupt the United States, ultimately motivating people to the point of “desperation prayer” once anarchy presides.
Well, Congratulations to you and Brandy! That is good news. No, you are never ready but God .Hey if its a boy, I have the perfect name: Euripitese. Its Greek. No? Well, don’t feel bad. I’ve been tniryg to pawn that name off on expecting friends for over 20 years. Maybe someday I am happy for you guys.Always,Bill
Well, Congratulations to you and Brandy! That is good news. No, you are never ready but God .Hey if its a boy, I have the perfect name: Euripitese. Its Greek. No? Well, don’t feel bad. I’ve been triyng to pawn that name off on expecting friends for over 20 years. Maybe someday I am happy for you guys.Always,Bill