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Cooked up for January 2004

"You have to manage your own career. Few people care about whether you make it." - Greg Griffin

"It must be borne in mind that the tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. It isn't a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream. It is not a disaster to be unable to capture your ideal, but it is a disaster to have no ideal to capture. It is not a disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for. Not failure, but low aim is a sin"- Dr. Benjamin Mays

"If everyone is a product of this society, who will say the things that need to be said, and do the things that need to be done, without compromise? Truth will never start out popular in a world more concerned with marketability than righteousness. It will initially suffer ridicule and even violence -- yet ultimately it is undeniable. All of humanity is living in a dream world but suffering real consequences."
- Lauryn Hill, The Middle Mind, Laurnyhill.com

"Everybody in the world has a destiny for greatness. Either a great success or a great failure. Either way, its gonna be great." - (shaken in by Da 1 N Only Kaybee)

"I am too smart and talented for you people to keep askin me about my booty."
- Beyonce Knowles (shaken in by Real One)

"A good listener is one who knows where to draw the line between pure bullshit and the truth as it is known." - (shaken in by L.Jones)

"Amsterdam was off the hook. We had a lot of fun out there. The other guys were running around getting high, going to the red-light district. There are hos out there, but I don't fuck with that. They'll rationalize it by saying it's only $30, but I don't want no pussy that costs only $30."- 50 Cent, Vibe, February 2004

"Information is everything. That's why rich people stay rich."- 50 Cent, Vibe, February 2004

"So often people say that we should look to the elderly, learn from their wisdom, their many years. I disagree, I say we should look to the young: untarnished, without stereotypes implanted in their minds, no poison, no hatred in their hearts. When we learn to see life through the eyes of a child, that is when we become truly wise." - Unknown (shaken in by Mulatto Babe)

"I don't think there are seven deadly sins, there is just one: fear. Fear is the foundation of all negativity in the world. Where there is fear, there is discontent. Where there is fear, there is jealousy, disloyalty, hate, anger. When you are afraid, love is absent."- Erykah Badu, Vibe, February 2004

"If I had my life to live over again, I'd make the same mistakes, only sooner."
- Tallulah Bankhead, NY Post, January 6, 2004

"If life gives u rocks, its ur choice whether to build a bridge or a wall." - (shaken in by Daisy)

"With all these things going on in the world, how the hell can rappers say they have no more to say??????"
- Chuck D

"I see some of my peers and how they are always in the news, out at parties, and I go to myself, 'Please,just go somewhere and sit down. Let us miss you.'" - Alicia Keys, Newsweek, December 2003

"I like hundred dollar billers. Those are people who have ideas and know how to get out of they situations. Come on with the hustle, because I'm going to be hustling, and if you're in my way then it ain't gonna work out. Nothing has changed about me. But I don't know if people know that, because there's so many different things. I'm the queen of hip-hop soul, I'm the queen of neo-soul, I'm the queen of something... something... something I don't wanna be. Well, if I'm the queen of all this, then give me some money."- Erykah Badu, Hip-Hop Soul, Spring 2004

"A lot of people are not [happy with me being happy.] A lot of people really hate me for this right now. But I have no choice. It's either death or life. And I'd die being miserable Mary. A lot of people, a lot women, probably resent that. It's nothing I can do. Everything I've done, I've struggled to get this far. So I can give it to you. So we can grow together. But if you still wanna be 19.. if you're a 40-year-old thinking like a 19-year-old - still going through the same things that you're going through - I can't do nothing for you. Because you can surely die. Stress can kill you. You can spiritually die and still be walking around, you know."- Mary J. Blige, Hip-Hop Soul, Spring 2004

"Everybody's record is eventually gonna be sold for 99 cents at the thrift shop. It's gonna happen."- DJ Premier, XXL, June 2003

"Nigga Yayo comes home after servin jail to a brand new house and car. I work 40 hours a week for 2 years (legally), and come home on a train pass, and to the projects. something ain't right."
- whudat reader, 'wtf's' response after reading that 50 gave Yayo a new house and car on his release. (shaken in by chad version 3.1)

"When you take away the impossible all thats left is the truth, no matter how improbable." - (shaken in by Roland)

"It's about time I started to live my life and not be a bystander as time passes by. When I'm 40 I dont want to start scrambling to make up for the time I've pissed away tryin to prepare myself for an afterlife that may or may not ever come. I think this may be the only shot we ever get to make anything of ourselves, to step out of the background and let people know that we're not afraid to live our dreams. If I end up regretting what I did with my life on my deathbed, I dont think i could handle that..." - (shaken in by roodsy)

"I'll be the new action star one day. The Rock is good, but I'll be great. I want to do some kind of military movie where I rescue POWs or something like that. I need some kick-ass movies. I mean kick a lot of ass. Schwarzenegger/Steven Seagal kind of kicking ass. Blowing shit up, too. Just breaking shit, that kind of stuff. And I'd like to do my own stunts. They need a black superhero - that's what I'll be."- LA Lakers power forward, Karl Malone, Men's Fitness, February 2004

"If you fail too much, admit you're a fuck-up and stop trying" - (shaken in by M.C. Spice)

"I'm not the best, I'm just better than you." - (shaken in by TRULZP)

"If you don't see the devil at least 3 times a day, 9 times outta 10 you walkin' with him."- David Banner, XXL, Dec 2004 (shaken in by Dirty)

Have you read, heard, or know of some gumbo... feel free to toss it in the pot.

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