Crazy quotes, inspiration, little known facts.. you figure it out.
Cooked up for June 2003
"Well, anybody who's reading what I'm sayin, they don't give a shit of what I say. But, y'know, hip-hop has gone pop. Anybody who says differently isn't looking at the big picture."
- Justin Timberlake, The Source, June 2003
"This is not the singing business, it's the entertainment  business."- Antonio "LA" Reid CEO/President of Arista Records, Vibe, June 2003
"Dreams do come true, but success breeds enemies, haters and flunkies. Just remember, they love you when you're doing badly, hate you when your doing better."- Steph Lova, The Source, June 2003
"To me, a legend is Chuck D. A legend is KRS-1. A legend is Nas. It's just something that makes you everlasting. It's when you're gone, you've created a legend for yourself and people are still talking about you. I think it's one who is able to touch the depth of another's soul, and is able to be alive."
- MC Lyte, Allhiphop.com, May 2003
"You have to really want this. Everyone I know had to eat shit for 10 years before they became a hit. Martin Lawrence, Brett Butler, Kevin James, Wanda Sykes - they all paid dues...before they got anywhere. Don't think for a minute anything is just going to come to you. If you're not willing to bite the bullet, it's not going to happen."- Dave Chapelle's manager, Jason Steinberg, "Behind the Mic in the Comedy Hustle," New York Press, May 28 - June 3, 2003
"Bling culture is not new. It's the desire to do better and project that [you're doing better]. You can go back to Slick Rick talking about Polo cologne. Status brands are just a part of hip-hop."- Marc Ecko, The Source, July 2003
"These fucking romantic comedies like Two can Play That Game  and Brown Sugar,  those ain't hip-hop films. They just throwing a lot of good-looking people in front of the camera and running a hip-hop beat under it."- John Singleton, The Source, July 2003
- latest additions -
"Young celeb hooks up with wealthy old man with expectations of future riches, has fun for a while, gets left with nothing. Anna Nicole Smith? Nope, Michael Jordan."- SLAM, August 2003
"If I say it's aiight, it's aiight. I think I've built up enough respect in hip-hop at this point that they should trust my opinion. They wasn't worried about it with Jay. They wasn't worried about it with ODB. They shouldn't be worried about it now. You watch — I'm not just going to make her a pop star but a Roc star, too."
- Dame Dash in regard to executive producing an album by Victoria "Posh Spice" Beckham
(shaken in by butter roll stephens)
"There aren't many virgins in their 30s, but Jen is about as close to that as you're likely to find, certainly in Hollywood."- Ben Affleck on J.LO, Vibe, July 2003 (shaken in by teezebaby)
"Can you be a good feminist and admit out loud that there are things you kinda dig about patriarchy?...And how come no one ever admits that part of the reason women love hip-hop--as sexist as it is-- is 'cuz all that in-yo-face testosterone makes our nipples hard?" - Joan Morgan, from her essay, "Hip Hop Feminist" (shaken in by D-Boogie)
"The best day of my life was when I turned 25. That's the day my car insurance went down. Yeah, boy, I saved $1200 that day."- Stephen Jackson - San Antonio Spurs, NY Post, June 3, 2003
"I just want to know if EVERY fat kid in the United States LOVES cake" - (shaken in by -k-)
"K-Y Jelly is not just for sex anymore, people can use it for lip gloss and hair gel and moisturizer."- David Dalrymple designer for House of Field, NY Post, April 22, 2003
This is not to promote domestic violence or anything like that....but my mother always told me that if a woman is big enough to hit a man, she's big enough to get hit back... - (shaken in by 'a woman's wise words')
"I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers." - (shaken in by Kahlil Gibran)
"If the good lord intended for us to walk dear child, he wouldn't have invented roller skates."
- Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) (shaken in by ?)
"He will transcend the game and bring to the world a humanitarianism which has never been known before. The world will be a better place to live in by virtue of his existence and his presence. I acknowledge only a small part in that, in that I know I was personally selected by God Himself to nurture this young man and bring him to the point where he can make his contribution to humanity..."
"Tiger will do more than any other man in history to change the course of humanity... He is the bridge between East and West. There is no limit because he has the guidance. I don't know yet exactly what form this will take. But he is the Chosen One. He'll have the power to impact nations. Not people. Nations. The world is just getting a taste of his power."
- Earl Woods on his son Tiger Woods (who, by the way, claims telepathy with Tiger) (shaken in by stimpus)
The Eternal Lament
From my mind 2 the depths of my soul
I yearn 2 achieve all of my goals
And all of my free time will be spent
On the 1's I miss I will lament
I am not a perfectionist
but still I seek perfection
I am not a great romantic
But yet I yearn 4 affection
Eternally my mind will produce
ways 2 put my talents 2 use
and when I'm done no matter where I've been
I'll yearn 2 do it all again.
- Tupac Shakur (shaken in by Lady PimpJuice)
"Let me tell you something homeboy, first of all I never heard a record he made. The second thing is, if that little skinny ass muthafucka wanna get his weed smoking ass back in the ring, I'll beat a pound of hydro out of him man" -Freddie Foxxx, talking about his boxing match w/Dope-E of the Terrorists (shaken in by butter roll stephens)
"Biatch: I think of it as a term of endearment. You know if a guy says, 'What up, bitch,' I might say 'What up. What you got to say?' - Toni Braxton, mtv.com, snoop's slanguistics 6/13/03