Starting this Memorial weekend my company starts its summer hours program. That means I get to boat from the office at 1 pm, free to do whatever. Last week I grabbed a two piece with fries, a biggie iced tea and headed home to catch up on videos. Sounds like nothing, but after working all week, I was loving it.
This week I caught the 3:15 showing of Our Song.
Our what?
That's probably what your saying. Your not alone.
I was flipping through the Village Voice - New York's free weekly cultural arts newspaper. That's the place you go when you want to read about the "other" side of things, and wehre you'll find out about the obscure live shows in the village. So I'm flipping through it and I see this ad for Our Song. I don't know what it was about the ad, the three smiling young girls, the pensive poses, or just "that voice" that told me that this was a movie I needed to see.
Turns out it was an independent film, which means that it's only playing in a few theatres in the city.... or in the case of this film.. one theatre.
Ordinarily, I don't go to see independent films because they look bogus, like something to fall asleep on. But after work, there was that "thing" again.. pushing me down the subway steps, across Houston Street and placing me smack dab in the middle of the box office window.
"That'll be, nine dollars."
*Cha ching!*
The Analysis
This movie is the real deal.
Not real in the sense of it being all poetic, with doves flying around, violins playing in the background, permanent smiles, and people doing everything "the right way."
And it's definitely not real as in "keep it real, kid." In other words: No gats. No drug deals. No pimpin'.
It's real because it shows girls growing up in the city that look like your cousins or sisters. They're not perfect, they're just normal fifteen, sixteen year old girls.
The film takes place during the summer in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. The first scene is of a group of kids in a schoolyard at band practice, going over a routine for an upcoming performance.
From that scene, the three girls that movie focuses on emerge: Lanisha, Maria, and Jocelyn.
They are all being raised in single parent homes, live in the projects, and have jobs. Due to an abestos scare at their school, they have to choose other schools to go to: a decision that may find them having to choose schools that their friends might not be to attend. But the music must go on, they still have the show to practice for and they're still best friends, so they deal with it.
That's how the movies starts but over the course of a few weeks they all deal with different situations.
Lanisha has just broken up with her boyfriend and doesn't speak to him when she sees him. And although her mother and father aren't together, after school she goes to see him at his security guard job. She wants him to come see her in the show that she's preparing for..."You promise that you'll come?" "Yeah, I'll see if I can get the day off."
Maria has a brother who think he's Lil Bow Wow... or as he put's it, he's like Cuba Gooding Jr., "a man of honor"... he wants to be in the military. So he throws his feet on the kitchen table and practices for his future job by ordering his older sister around. Maria is irritated by him, the way most younger brothers irritate their sisters. She doesn't really know what she wants to do with her life, but after she sleeps with a guy after a party she has to make a big decision.
Jocelyn could be in the house and her mother wouldn't even know. Her mother sits onthe couch reading magazines, watching T.V. and running out to parties. All Jocelyn wants is a little attention from her mother, just wants to spend some time with her. Still, unlike her friends, her mother keeps her freshly dipped in the latest Tommy and Polo gear. But she doesn't give her that other kind of support.... While she's looking in a magazine, Jocelyn peeks her head over her shoulder and says, "Mom, I could be like that girl (a model)" Moms: "You see what this says... she studies mathematics." Joy: "So, I could study mathematics."
Moms: gives her the "yeah, right look" and goes back to reading the magazine.