news blurbs
The Way We See It - October 2006
October 25, 2006 *updated Monday-Friday (unless it's a slow day)
Deputy Shaq Part of Bungled Virginia Police Raid - 3:04 p.m.

Remember back in '05 when Shaq was deputized in Bedford, Virginia? Neither do I. Haha. Nah, I remember a story about him being an honorary deputy in Florida and that he was interested in being a super cop after his knees give out.

It turns out Shaq is a true to life, ready for action, Reserve Deputy with Virginia's Bedford County Sheriff's office. He's part of Operation Blue Ridge Thunder and a spokesman for the Safe Surfin Foundation. Let the man explain.. "Today's criminals are hiding behind computer screens, fake names and fraudulent identities, all with the intention of exploiting and harming our youth," Shaq said. "I'm proud to help the Safe Surfin' Foundation get the word out to parents, kids, and communities about Internet safety and help law enforcement track down and lock up sexual predators."

This man does not just talk, or spend his summers practicing free-throws, he took part in a drug raid and the execution of a search warrant for a suspected child pornographer in Virgina last month.

That's good police work.. or maybe not.

Apparently the child pornographer is doing his dirty deeds online, someone contacted the anti-child porn police unit and "Blue Ridge Thunder" was activated. Using an IP address, they tagged a home in Virginia and suited up. Kicking in the door, guns drawn, to their embarrassment, they found they had the wrong house.

Shaq wasn't in the initial reports of the incident but eyewitnesses and evidence that he was in Bedford county that weekend tie him to it. The Bedford County Sheriff Mike Brown later confirmed that Shaq did help out... I mean don't be stunned, he's a gotdamn Deputy. (my words not his.. :T

It's thought that a person can be traced on the internet by their IP address, but this and other reported cases have proven it's not a definitive 'science'.

The man wrote his local paper describing his terrible ordeal.. Not only is he not a child-pornographer, the way he tells it.. "I am a local farmer; my wife teaches elementary school; our three children are well-adjusted, 'A' students.. On Saturday morning, Sept. 23, 2006, many police vehicles appeared in our driveway. Men in black with flak jackets ran to and around our house. My wife was at home alone. I drove up and asked, "What's going on?" Men ran at me, dropped into shooting position, double-handed semi-automatic pistols pointed at me, and made me put my hands against my truck.

Read it here.. the line that cracked me up was this.. "We are not avid computer users; we do not even e-mail. We knew nothing of what they were speaking."

Yup, somebody's suing.

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