news blurbs
The Way We See It - September 2006
September 5, 2006 *updated Monday-Friday (unless it's a slow day)
Steve "The Croc Hunter" Irwin Dies at the Hands of a Flintstones Creature - 7:53 p.m.
Steve Irwin - Croc Hunter

I didn't forget about the death of Steve Irwin Croc Hunter. It was the number #1 news story of the day. Everyone is so broken up over this or just amazed that a guy that flirts with danger whenever the cameras are rolling (or not) finally caught a bad one. It was inevitable that he would eventually get snapped or clawed or in this case jabbed by a creature leftover from the Flintstones age. I actually heard about it on Monday night, as soon as I came back from the parade. What happened? For the comatose: Steve Irwin was stung by a stingray. Poked with that saw like thing sticking out of their head or ass (along their spine?) which left a fist sized hole in his chest. Steve was able to pull it out, but quickly died by cardiac arrest, either from the poison or the shock of being attacked in the first place.

A camera man filmed the incident, but wasn't immediately aware of what happened until he saw him disappear and then blood in the water.

It's not his death that is the sad thing. It's the 'in depth" reporting about stingrays. Not a day had gone by and already the news was floating headlines.. Are you safe at the beach! What to do if you see a stingray. CNN had his last interview with Larry King.. and they repeated it over and over... 9:00 p.m.. 9:00 p.m... 9:00 p.m. and it was 8:00 the same day. And the stories asking why the stingray attacked him.. as if he was done wrong. It's obvious that the thing was threatened by him.

Stingrays.. I've learned in the past 12 hours.. (haha. guess I got something out of it.. although I'm not sure if they actually come from the Flinstones age :) .. only play defense. You can find them on the bottom of the ocean floor or floating around in the water. Which is hard to imagine. Just swimming in the water with these jellyfish/bird-like things all around a person.. nah, I'll be on the beach. One 'expert' advised people to do the stingray shuffle. That is when you're walking in the water, drag your feet on the ocean floor to let the creatures down there know that you're coming through. None of that stepping on their heads or sneaking up on them.. that'll get you stung.

Steve Irwin was swimming in the water with this stingray and made a move over the top of it. That's when the tail came up and spiked him. So there are people saying that he wasn't intimidating the stingray and this just happened out of the blue. Obviously the stingray refused to comment.. so what would they know about how it felt about Irwin being all over its shoulder.

It's clear that Mr. Ray was either shook or annoyed, that's when and why it made its move.

There's video of the incident that his manager John Stainton said is, "a very hard thing to watch, because you are actually witnessing somebody die, and it's terrible."

If that tape ever reaches the public.. I think it would be a new level of public voyeurism. Do you actually want to see a guy die? I saw the video of that guy being beheaded in the early days of the Iraq war thing. Just disturbing. His eyes were moving a little bit as they held the head up. Knifing.. so much more gangster than any bullet. That's too easy. Shoot into a crowd or 50 feet away. You never see a thing. Feel that flesh peel open on the handle of a blade. That's nice... Oh..umm. I'm mean, not nice.

On the other hand.. Steve Irwin once said that if he was to die, he'd have no problem being eaten alive by the crocodiles he's famous for toying with. In other words.. it's a part of the job. An occupational hazard. A third degree burn when you grab a pan out of the oven barehanded. The bite of poisonous snake when you dangle it in your face.. and can't convince it that you're its friend ( that was Irwin's technique). Mauled by a bear camping in the woods?.. because it's the bear's stomping grounds, you're just a late night snack.

So when Steve Irwin dies at the hands(?) of a creature from the black lagoon.. it's only the natural.. and just about the best way he could have gone. Had he been run over by a car or come down with a fatal case of pneumonia.. That would've been pathetic.

Where's that statistic?.. 17 stingray deaths in total, on record, worldwide.

Although I'm sure he would have rather survived the attack.. he surely can't be upset that it ultimately happened while he was doing what he loved... and made a little piece of history in the process.

Haha. What the hell am I saying? Guess this is his obituary.

Steve "Croc Hunter" Irwin would want everyone to be happy and enjoying themselves right now.. but I'm wondering if this is the type of fun he would laugh at. Croc Hunter ... Feed Um Babies! Inappropriate? Hey.. I didn't make it. :]

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