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The Way We See It - September 2006
September 27, 2006 *updated Monday-Friday (unless it's a slow day)
Reverend Run Family Tragedy: Justine Has a Miscarriage - 1:57 p.m.
Run's House

Reverend Run's wife Justine had a miscarriage. Justine gave birth to their baby girl last week which was reportedly born with her organs outside of her body. Understandably she died shortly after. Beyond being a sad story, this borders on TMI. Too much info. That organs outside the body part. MTV cameras were also in the delivery room to film reactions of the birth for the next season of Run's House, the new hip-hop generation's Cosby Show.

Although they give a lot of themselves on the show, dealing with the loss of a child on national TV would seem to be extremely hard to deal with, especially with the light-hearted nature of the show. Wouldn't be surprised if it was on hiatus for awhile, maybe for good.

How do you flip that? Maybe Run and family can turn it into a positive thing in demonstrating how to deal with a tragedy in a way that may inspire others. Run being a preacher you'd think he would look for the most positive angle possible, without ignoring the situation entirely, for that purpose. That's me thinking positive.

Just can't see his wife wanting to deal with cameras in her face after this. We shall see.

I was looking for one of Run's Words of Wisdom to end this on the right note. Instead I found a Blender interview where Run talks about flirting with ending his life and how that transformed him from one of the most influential and successful rappers to a life in the ministry.

You've said you were suicidal in the late '80s. How close did you come, and what pulled you back from the brink?
It was around '89 or '90. People don't understand, depression is clinical. People think, "The guy has everything, why would he want to kill himself?" But your mind is messed up, it's missing something. I went as far as getting poison and pouring it into a Coca-Cola can but never drinking it. I'd look out a hotel room window and say, "I'm not jumping out of there." Everything I considered, I'd think, "That's gonna hurt." And I deeply wanted to kill myself. But they were fake attempts. Then around '91 I started going to church, and this is what it developed into.

Negative to positive.

Like everyone, I wish the family only the best.

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