Nov 10 2008
Barack and Michelle Obama walk into Spiaggia on date night

Barack and Michelle Obama: Date Night at Spiaggia

This Saturday, Barack Obama and Michelle Obama went on their first ‘date’ since Barack added President-Elect to his name, and hey.. since she became the First Lady-to-be.  😉

They went to Spiaggia, an Italian restaurant on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile. Peek through the window and you’ll see a spectacular view of Lake Michigan. Spiaggia is a favorite spot for the Obama’s date nights. Last Valentine’s day they spent $700 on an eight-course meal; including wine and dessert.

Naming it among the best Italian restaurants in the country, Forbe’s magazine writes..

Spiggia Italian restaurant in Chicago

“No more beautiful or expansive Italian ristorante exists in America, and the ever-changing menu by Chef Tony Mantuano is a paradigm of modern Italian cooking with the finest ingredients and a phenomenally rich Italian wine cache.”

Well fed, it’s back to the work of transitioning power. Today Barack Obama will meet with President Bush to talk shop and Laura Bush will give Michelle a tour of the White House. No doubt, Michelle will be making mental notes about how she’ll redecorate the place. You think a U-Haul truck backs up on a Saturday, moving boxes on the front steps, and takes W back to Texas? That would be hilarious.

☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼

1 Mochasweet Mon, Nov 10, 2008 - 11:15 pm

Beautiful couple I will most certainly keep them in my prayers.

2 Lauran Wed, Dec 31, 2008 - 1:11 am

Barack and Michelle. They are bringing sexy back.

