Bill Richardson Endorses Barack Obama: “He Inspires Us. Believes in Bringing America Together.”
Even as a typical breeze blows, this afternoon New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson endorsed Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton. With the potential to help with Hispanic voters, it was a much coveted endorsement by both candidates. Bill Richardson served as Secretary of Energy under Bill Clinton; he and Bill chummed it up for a little Superbowl party this February - and still he decided Barack Obama is the candidate for change the country needs.
This is the endorsement Hillary Clinton could have used to uppercut Barack this week.
Why He’s Endorsing Him
Barack Obama is a Good Guy
I’ll tell you this, the energy in the room undeniably feels like that Vice-President situation is settled.
Obama/Richardson ‘08
Can you imagine that? That’s the ticket I want to see.
☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼
I must admit, in the beginning I was on the fence about who should get my vote for president. I thought both Barack and Hillary were great candidates, but I did my homework and I must admit Barack has exceeded my expectations. He has been able to handle every situation he faced in a tactful manner and more importantly he has come out looking stronger after every incident. His critics have tried to dig up every piece of dirt they could possibly find, attempting to derail his presidential campaign and every time he turns their attempts into momentum for his campaign. There are some people who can’t stand the fact that he’s succeeded and that he very well could be the next president and that makes me like him even more. Most people say they want change, but thats not true. Most people just want things to change in their favor, and despise any deviation from their norms. Historically, change in this country happens drastically. Barack would be a drastic change in the right direction. I hope he wins the presidential nomination so that this nation can take leaps forward and not steps backwards.