Jul 28 2008
Busta Rhymes talks Fried Chicken with MTV

Busta Rhymes Shakes Up Nas’s “Fried Chicken”

Busta Rhymes sat down with MTV to discuss his collaboration with Nas on “Fried Chicken.”

Busta says it’s one of the best songs he’s ever recorded. I’m sure 90% of his fans would differ, but that’s sort of the way artists think: their personal best is rarely on a top 10 list. Busta admitted that he got off the subject in the song: Nas said all there was to say about chicken, so he stepped on the pork.

“I know how much we love pork, as black people. The same way we love fried chicken. Knowing that these diets are absolutely not the right things to be following because they give us everything from high blood pressure, to clogging up the arteries, to the trichina worm chewing on the wall of your intestines..

worms found in commercial pig product

*The trichina worm lives inside the small intestine of a host animal, where it mates and reproduces. Once her eggs have been fertilized, the female burrows into the intestinal wall and releases her larvae.*

.. I just felt like I needed to exemplify the importance of what effect these foods can have.”

Yeah, thanks.

Reading this at breakfast? You’ve got time to take one more bite of that bacon and egg sandwich, the fried chicken question comes in at the 2:38 mark.

☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼

1 danzenie Tue, Jul 29, 2008 - 3:00 pm

Track is hot.  They both come off right with it.  And the beat was also on point.

