Condoleezza Rice Secretly Voting for Barack Obama → “The Proof”
Barack Obama’s run for president has caused Condoleezza Rice to be unusually vocal about issues related to African-Americans. Shortly after Barack Obama’s speech about race and its history in America, Condoleezza Rice gave her own thoughts about ‘America’s birth defect.’
It wasn’t covered the way you’d expect. Maybe she has always been that open and the press just wasn’t covering it. Take this for example.
Yesterday in a keynote address at a gathering of black colleges and universities Condoleezza Rice spoke about the lack of chocolate faces in the hallways of Washington D.C.
“I want to see a Foreign Service that looks as if black Americans are part of this great country. I have lamented that I can go into a meeting at the Department of State and, as a matter of fact, I can go into a whole day of meetings at the Department of State and actually rarely see somebody who looks like me, and that’s just not acceptable.”
Condoleezza said she has been working with NY Congressman Charlie Rangel to get students involved in political endeavors..
“I’ve been working hard to double the number of Rangel Fellows… to interest them in foreign affairs when they are young, to give them the training and support to learn languages and to learn about the world, and then to go out into that world to be a part of the great global debate, challenge and difficulty, too, that we face in the international system.”
She went on to talk about Granddaddy Rice and his push from being an Alabama sharecropper to getting some of that ‘book learning.’ ← fast forward to 11:30 it’s worth watching.
Condoleeza Rice - Conference for Black Colleges and Universities
After that kind of talk do you think she’s voting for John McCain?
Once the curtain on the voting booth closes no one knows, but I got thirty on Barack.
☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼
She should be secretly voting for Barack. How the hell could they pass her up if they wanted a woman to run for VP. She is clearly more intelligent then either McCain or Palin. Oh, let me answer that ... She’s black. Yet more proof that the republicans don’t like black people and are using the ones they elect to office to try to get the black vote. We aren’t that stupid Republicans!
Republicans support success, if your black and a criminal or poor because you choose to than yes Republicans do not support that! Its not about being black or mexican or white , its about making good choices.
it is not true that Republicans do not like Blacks, its that so many Blacks do not like republicans! ENVY OF WEALTH AND SUCESS which many blacks today are very successful.
If it was about making good choices then the dumb republicans wouldn’t have let that old idiot McCain pick that retard Palin for VP. If you haven’t noticed yet McCain couldn’t even look at Obama when their debates were happening. McCain will not even admit he has black family members. To say someone is poor because they choose to be shows how smart, I mean dumb you are. Nobody chooses to be poor. Republicans don’t like blacks and McCain not nominating Condelezza Rice but picking a white idiot proves that point. He would rather loose an election rather than pick a qualified black person.
About that “envy of wealth and success” comment that you made. The only thing I envy is idiots like McCain and Palin being in the position of becoming President and VP of this country. We can possibly go from the most retarded president in Bush to the dumbest duo in in Palin/McCain. BTW with the last name you have you sound like you are hispanic, if that is the case…NEWSFLASH… Republicans don’t like you either they are just using you for your vote and you are to brainwashed to realize it.
Hi i am an unemployed computer professional from kolkta India, condoleezza rice can give me a job into her country, then i will be great ful to maam, pls give me a job condy
Hi I am from kolkta India, I am M 34 from kolkata india, can you give me your e mail address to me, I am a fan of condoleezza rice.
I am surprised that she would put her stamp of approval on Obama since she said “I was a Dem & after seeing that only the poor, etc were Dems, I changed parties.” Then she hid in the Bush admin.
and acted as if she agreed that the blacks have been given more opportunities to succeed than anyone and have chosen to live off the government. Now she sides with Charlie Rangel (filth) & this imposter in the White House? Maybe we should check her for mental disability.