Condoleezza Rice Speaks on America’s “Birth Defect”
Two weeks ago, when Barack Obama was on flames for Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s statements, with some saying African-Americans are anti-American, I wondered what Condoleezza Rice, flying around the world as our Secretary of State, felt. How does that prominent black American feel about race in America?
Yesterday, a Washington Times reporter asked Condoleezza Rice about the upcoming 40th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr’s death and how race relations have changed since then - “Rice hits U.S. ‘birth defect’
Condoleezza Rice refused to take sides politically, saying only that she heard Barack Obama’s speech and it was “important” that “Mr. Obama gave it for a whole host of reasons.”
Judging by the openness of her answer though, calling the history of race in America a “birth defect” and explaining the context of the founders’ ideas vs. blacks’ experience in this country, and how it affected generational thinking, it’s obvious she is with Barack all the way.
“I sit in my office and the portrait immediately over my shoulder is Thomas Jefferson. And sometimes I think, what would he think of this black woman Secretary of State as his successor? What would he think that the last two successors have been black Americans.”
Listen to her break this down.
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Wow! In deed. The woman can talk! The woman can talk! Finally!
She is so wrong. If anyone talks about “BIRTH DEFECT” it must be referred to the continent (the Americas) stolen from the First Nation Peoples. No matter when or how we came: as masters or slaves, as immigrants or refugees, we are now all walking, building houses and institutions on stolen land.
Making this history an issues of who were the founding people i.e.: blacks and whites its outrageously wrong. The reality is that the struggle that is going on right now between blanks and whites has nothing to do with race-relations in this continent, it is nothing else but a struggle for economic power and control over stolen land. Period.
(not a native person, but, as everybody else, someone who is also walking on stolen land)
The only one who is “outrageously wrong” is you Mrs. Rice hit everything right on the head with her comments. But of course anyone that is not treated like a minority in this country will never get it. The struggle between whites and blacks is all about race relations. Where have you been living?
geez…imagine if this would get half the exposure Rev. Wright rants received…may be whites would understand his frustration.
Ms. Rice should be applauded for her honesty on the subject of race relations in the U.S. It is through honest dialogue that we can reach solutions.
If the U.S. suffers from a birth defect in regards to its relations with its Black citizens, then some sort of “surgical operation” will have to be performed to remove this defect and allow to country to function better. As with any operation, there will probably be some pain and discomfort, but the end result can be a better situation for the country.
She is right on target with race in america. Until a white person walk my shoes you no nothing about racism in america.
AFRICA is still going strong with SLAVERY BY WHO??????
I love how this story was COMPLETELY ignored by the media over the weekend, I think it threw them for a loop too. There can be no more ‘real’ talk about Barack Obama’s patriotism or arguments about race without her ‘defective’ view coming into the discussion. Especially on Fox.
To Truth, You just find a d*ck and suck it. Chris G., I think that her views are right on point race relations are a birth defect? Racism is taught from childhood.
I have to say that this is one of the first times where I’ve listened to Ms. Rice and actually agreed with her. Race is still an issue in this country because we as a nation refuse to address the issues in open dialogue without becoming upset or offended. Its a subject that alot of people feel that if they don’t say anything the problem will go away. I have faith that one day it won’t matter. But until then we need to face our past before we repeat it.
Thank you Ms.Rice for pointing out what you said concerning the so called “African Americans” I understand something is going on in this country concerning the “African Americans”. In the above statement, someone mentioned stolen land and building institutions. The question should be who is building these institions and foundations, and who owns them. Why was African Americans brought here forced to build this country and is still getting beat down and killed and locked up on the Streets of American 24 hours a day. They don’t own any institutions but are locked up in them Drugs plage African American neighborhoods.
Anna from Canada,
There are only a few short paragraphs… Maybe you should read them again. Clearly you are not “native” and no nothing and understand nothing about slavery or discrimination or the aftermath. I am certain Ms. Rice does. Google Rice and Birmingham. You will understand. Struggle for liberty has nothing to do with economic and social standing. While you rejoice in your new-found status, those who bore the brunt of discrimination (and those who continue to bear the brunt of its consequence) even though they may be considered successful break ofte break down and cry out of pain. Read Ms. Rice’s words again. The exercise will help you.
Unfortunately, slavery and everything it entails happened but that’s not an excuse to not to succeed. Racism comes from all sides even from blacks towards whites. Some blacks look for every excuse to throw the racism card. There are many black owned institutions that provide special deals to blacks only, or make it known to other blacks that it’s a black owned institution. Kind of like a modern day underground railroad but in a business sense. If whites did that with and for other whites, there would be such an uproar and of course, they’d be called, you guessed it “Racists”. If people would pay more attention to the details of incidents instead of finding out if it involved blacks or whites, they would really see the situation for what it is instead of getting sidetracked with race. If a black and white had a fight, it’d be all over the news, however, if two blacks or two whites had a fight (same exact incident just involving the two races) it’s be all over the news and every “Black Community Leader” would be all over it.
Why is it that all you white people want us to just shut up and take the racism like it doesn’t exist? Racism does not come from all sides that is why when it comes from any other race it is called REVERSE descrimination. Some blacks do look for every excuse to throw out the race card and I wish they wouldn’t but when your whole life is based on being a 2nd class citizen in your own country you would probably do the same. There are many more “white owned” business in the USA then any other true they don’t announce they are white owned when you go there to fill out an application they just throw it away right after you leave or tell you the position is filled or just never give you a call back. If you would take time to pay attention to how minorities, especially blacks, are treated, case and point the Katrina hurricane, before you come with our stupid comments you would see what is really going on. But no you just decide to do like all other whites and turn the other cheek because it isn’t happening to you. When in the hell did you see 1 black person and 1 white person have a fight and it is all over the news? Answer NEVER, so stop making things up. When have you ever seen Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson protesting a 1-on-1 fight? NEVER. So stop that shit you are making yourself look like a racist with those untrue statements. Bottom line is that there is racism, it is a white thing, and if you can’t see that maybe it is because you are one of the racist that practice this kind of shit. Look in the mirror before you come back with your next post buddy…
To the angry person above,,,,,,,I don’t know, ask a white person! You don’t know what race I am. Just because I don’t use or let filth fly from my mouth you assume I’m white?! There’s no such thing as reverse racism. Racism is racism whether it comes from blacks, whites or anyone else. When is the last time you went into any business, grocery or department store, electric company, gas company, water department, police department, fire department, movie theatre, etc., and saw only white people working? When did you ever go into a black owned business and see a white person working there? Let’s talk about Hurricane Katrina, what did you do to help anyone there? Did you donate any money, food, clothes or water to assist the citizens of New Orleans or did you just complain that the govenment isn’t doing enough? I guess the looters stealing tv’s felt the govenment wasn’t doing enough either. Yes, what happened to New Orleans was a tragedy and the area was devastated but so were areas in Mississippi, only the people in Mississippi handled their situation a whole lot differently. Let’s talk facts, I’ll use the perfect example: The Jenna 6. Why do you think all the commotion about that has died down? News Alert: BECAUSE MICHYL BELL FINALLY ADMITTED THE TRUTH!!!!! He was guilty, guilty, guilty. Maybe you should read up on it and educate yourself to the facts. It’s funny how so many people jumped on the bandwagon and didn’t even have the facts of what really happened. Did they bother getting the facts before voicing their opinions and staging demonstrations? Of course not, but where are they all now. Was there an apology for the things they said and the commotion they caused? Absolutely not. Mychel Bell apologized though. At least he showed some class. I’m not saying racism doesn’t exist, we all know it does and at some point in time, most of us have suffered the effects of it. But where are the community leaders now. They should be speaking out against the wrong and fraudulent behavior of Mychel Bell and the other five, but they’re not. Mychel Bell and people like him trivialize the crime of racism by crying racism when they break the law just to throw up a smoke screen. Racism NEEDS to be dealt with truth and honesty or it’s not going to go away.
First of all, who are you trying to fool? I know that you are white because blacks don’t defend the obvious. Next, your people are the ones that came up with the words reverse discrimination dumb ass so talk what you know before you start stating incorrect facts. Lets talk about filthy mouths, yeah I might let curse words come from my mouth as white people do but at least my people aren’t putting horses d*cks and dog d*cks in our mouths like white people are and then you are kissing them. Now who really has a filthy mouth. Your question “When have I walked into those places that you mention and seen all white people working there” Hell I see it everyday dumb ass what planet are you on. Oh let me correct myself, These places hire one or two of us so they can say “see we hire those people.” But you don’t see that because once again it doesn’t happen to you. Back to the fire departments there are 3 within walking distance from where I live and the all have only whites working there. What do you have to say about that? Let me guess, nothing. What did I do for the Katrina victims your retarded ass ask No.1 it isn’t my responsibility to do anything it was the white ass governments. No.2 I live over 1000 miles away what was I suposed to do Fed Ex them a bottle of water you dummy. since we are asking what did you do? not a goddamn thing. About the Mychal Bell thing just because you apologize doesn’t mean that you did the crime. Just because you plead guilty doesn’t mean that you did the crime. Any lawyer will tell you that if you admit guilt and apoplgize it can reduce yur sentence dumb-dumb. Most people don’t have the money to fight the system so the just have to give up. But You are white so you didn’t know that though because the system isn’t designed to take your white ass down. Most of US has suffered racism not white poeple so don’t put yourself in our struggle. Bottom line is walk a year even in a black mans shoes before you talk about our lives knucklehead.
Wrong again!!!! LOL! Your “blame game” is old news, this is 2008. I don’t understand your thing with dogs and horses but have fun with it! Your mentality is the only thing holding you back. If Mychel Bell were innocent he wouldn’t have pleaded guilty, not with the amount and caliber of people he had behind him. It would have been nice to have an intelligent conversation with you but you’re poisoned with your own racism. Hope you have a better day, partner. Logging off site for good.
There is nothing holding me back. I’d be willing to bet that I have a better job then you do. My thing with dogs and horses is that there are numerous pictures and videos of white women f**king and sucking horses there is nothing fun or funny about that that is animal abuse but as you see white people get away with there crimes. Michael Vick abuses animals and he is in jail and awaiting another trial when he gets out see the difference stupid. People plead guilty all the time that are innocent oh I should say minorities because as I have said before they don’t have the means or money to fight the system and are already guilty by the system. I am not the racist, I didn’t come to a white site judging you people you came here. The best thing for you to do is stay off this site until you get your facts straight before you open your dumb ass mouth or at least do some research so you can see what we go through before you judge.
I guess I chopped your ass up tonight? I was waiting for more of your racist rant so I could straighten your ass out. Maybe I did that already. To all new racist I say NEXT… I’ll chop you up too.
You, shut me up?! You have more ego than brains. You’re too studpid to have a conversation with. You ignore facts, make up your own excuses as you go along spew racism. You still think I’m white, have an obsession with watching white women do it with horses and dogs, too ignorant to speak without cussing, didn’t state any facts and you really think you did some damaage? All you did was spin in circles and made yourself dizzy. Let’s face it, you’re a disgrace to our race. You are not the voice of blackness and I don’t want you speaking for me. I won’t condemn your efforts, however noble your intentions may be, you just gotta do better, man. Peace!
You are too stupid to spell stupid dumb ass. If you are Black your want to be white ass is what my race doesn’t need I still think that you are white and if you aren’t then what a waste of a black body that is trapped with a white mans brain. I don’t have that obsession I just told your stupid black/white ass what I saw. I don’t have to state facts any true black person already knows the facts but your oreo cookie ass doesn’t know them because you like to think that you are better teen other blacks. You damn sure ain’t the voice of blackness because you want to be white therefore I speak for REAL black people retard. You just have to be blacker my man. Know where you come from, remember your roots and stop trying to be what you aren’t because you are still a n***r to all the white people who’s asses you kiss.
Your ignorance speaks for itself. I guess you like the place where you are ‘cause you surely do spend a lot of time justifying your (as you put it) second class citizenry. I’ve worked hard, put up with a lot of crap from people on both sides, but I still made it, SO STOP HATING! I don’t need to profess how black I am, it’s pretty obvious by my physical characteristics. Our people are advancing everyday (LOOK AT OUR PRESIDENT TO BE and MANY MORE) but because you’re so busy knocking and putting everyone down, black and white, you’re missing out on the changing world around you. You can’t even acknowldege, without envy, people from your own race that have succeeded. NEWS FLASH - I don’t care what you think of me ‘cause your last sentence explained it all. That’s what YOU really think of YOURSELF. Don’t include me in your gettin’ nowhere world. You’re a prisoner of your own stupidity, still spinning in circles. You’re just the type of buffoon that whites love to see. A gettin’ nowhere man and blaming everyone else for it.
Yes I do like the place where I am. Having a career, owning houses, I bet your wanna be white ass can’t say either of those thing. You say that you have worked hard and put up with alot of things and your ass has gotten nowhere. You are a slave to sucking up to the white man, trying to be like them. You have probably died your hair blond put in blue contacts, it wouldn’t shock me. Me hating on you that can’t ever happen dummy I have more than your Bryant Gumble wanna be ass can ever have You said I can’t ecknowledge people that are black that have succeeded News Flash- Your dumb ass ain’t a true black so if you are talking about yourself there is nothing to acknowledge. My last sentence is what I am talking about I know my roots, I know where I come from but unlike you I didn’t have to suck up to the white man to get what I have. I will not disown the problems that my race or what happend to my race just to fit in to their lives. By the way with me having houses and a career I wonder who is the getting nowhere person dumb ass? Know who you are talking about before you think that I don’t have anything fool. Do yourself a favor and go suck some more white d*ck because us real blacks don’t need someone like you trying to do for us.
I like the name you’ve given yourself, White Boy.
You know that it is directed to you or are you once again too dumb to understand that? How dumb are you?
Is this White Boy again? I surely do looove the name you picked for yourself. LOL!!!!!!!
What eva, what are you trying to sound black? In your language it’s whatever.
To White Boy, it’s been entertaining, but gotta go and deal with some real issues. This way, you can go and watch some dog and horse movies, LOL! I don’t care if you respond or not ‘cause I won’t be checking back in. You made your point, you’re black (that’s questionable) you own homes (yeah) you have a good job (yawn), you enjoy watching dog and horse movies and think about men in sexual ways (whatever floats your boat, white boy!). Getting back to the original point, racism is wrong no matter who it’s coming from, even you.
You made your point, your black (yeah right) You don’t like to be black (so you kiss white peoples asses) and you encourage racism against your own race. You see real blacks don’t need to kiss up to whites to get by in life we work for what we have. Bottom line is racism is wrong (bout time you said something right) and what’s even more wrong is people like your white/black ass that duck and hide from it instead of being a MAN and dealing with it. Pitiful bastard.
For real is a white boy don’t be fooled by him. I have read all of his comments and there is no way that another brother would dis our own as he tried to.
yes shi rait america big cuontry end enemy huos shot europa is enemy world yes yes
hey people dont fighting about race white or black or patriots or democrats or any another thinks you are
the best nation onn this world thats a fact and every another friendly nations whe love you all ..
be a great us family i have a dream one day one flag
not longer important what you or me the another people
my dream is one US FLAG FOR THIS EARD.
Cover the world with your power.
nice think is now whitehouse with black power hahahahahahaha
Whoa, tinghs just got a whole lot easier.