John McCain’s Spiritual Guide Rod Parsley: America Was Founded to Destroy the “False Religion”
Rod Parsley is John McCain’s self-described spiritual guide and the leader of World Harvest Church, a 12,000 member megachurch in Columbus, Ohio. In 2005, Rod Parsley sketched his views about America’s intention in the world and Islam in a book called “Silent No More.”
Parsley said Islam was a “demon spirit” and 9/11 was the call to wipe them out for good.
Mother Jones and Times UK wrote about this - “Televangelist Rod Parsley Calls for the “False Religion” to be Destroyed.”
“I cannot tell you how important it is that we understand the true nature of Islam, that we see it for what it really is. In fact, I will tell you this: I do not believe our country can truly fulfill its divine purpose until we understand our historical conflict with Islam.
I know that this statement sounds extreme, but I do not shrink from its implications.
The fact is that America was founded, in part, with the intention of seeing this false religion destroyed, and I believe September 11, 2001,
was a generational call to arms that we can no longer ignore.”
With the controversy about Barack Obama’s former Reverend Jeremiah Wright brewing, ask yourself, saying that America was born - “in part” - by God’s intention to stomp out Islam, isn’t that kind of talk right in line with Rev. Wright’s assertion that the United States’ aggression in the Middle East is the cause of terrorism?
If elected President of the United States in November, John McCain is willing to stay in Iraq for as long as it takes for democracy to take hold; Barack Obama wants to foster conversations and use aggression as a last resort and only then in tactical ways that make sense.
Which road would you choose between the two?
This election is about one thing: Change vs. Stay the Course.
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Although this guy is not McCain’s pastor and spiritual mentor as Obama’s guy is I think seeing both of these extremist pastors connected with these two candidates makes Hillary look much better to me.
Hillary 2008!
McCain called Parsely “A spiritual guide” not HIS “spiritual guide”. Very different things. The media has added the personal pronoun to this issue. The difference between his situation and Obama’s is that Wright actually is Obama’s chosen personal pastor.
If Parsely really was McCain’s personal spiritual guide than he should seriously step away from that guy, just like Obama should from Wright.
mcain saying that parsely is a spiritual guide to him gives me great respect and confidence in him
Right is Right, Right? mcain keep up the good work, parsley keep doing the right thing. Neither of you give up the fight
Muslims Against Sharia call on Senators McCain and Obama to cut all ties with their racist, Islamophobic, and anti-Semitic supporters.
McCain: <a href=“”></a>
Obama: <a href=“”></a>
Parsley is much worse than Wright. He tells his flock that abortion is “black genocide” and equates Planned Parenthood with the KKK. Then he says it’s all being organized and sponsored by the government, while he shows swastikas in the background along with slides of the Capitol Building. There are real consequences to words like these. Clinics get bombed. Doctors are murdered. Women are terrorized.
McCain’s other pastor friend, Jerry Falwell, maintained to his death that 9/11 was punishment for America’s tolerance of gay lifestyles and abortion. That’s why, he said, they hit New York. Instead of condemning him, McCan grew closer to him, after learning from his 2000 defeat.
Wright on the other hand was simply quoting someone he heard on Fox News, a white diplomat, when he said the “chickens coming home to roost” thing. It was a footnote to a sermon that called on his congregation to resist heady calls for revenge, lest they become that which they abhor. His final message was a plea for self-reflection, for each to think of his or her individual relationship with God, and not anyone else’s.
That’s a lot more reasonable than anything I’ve heard from either of McCain’s pastor friends.
this guy is an idiot, how do you make such statements in front of a congregation. Its obvios he never studied Islam or any other religion. He needs to pick up abook and turn off the TV.
If any of you agree with Parsley you are an idiot and racist. There’s no war against a religion and a country get out of the stone age.
So you are telling me there is no war against Iraq right now. What planet are you on???