K-Ci and JoJo Perform in Australia: One Falls Out.. Again (?)
Jodeci was rumored to be making a reunion performance in Australia over the weekend. As things have gone for the last 15 years, only K-Ci and JoJo made the show. Maybe that should be K-Ci made the show. In this clip (of the day) K-Ci is on stage, shirtless as usual. JoJo walks on stage in a delayed entrance, sings a bit and wanders off to the back of the stage where he tumbles backward, twists over on his face and lays there, motionless, like he got caught with a vintage Tyson blow.
A stage hand walks over, picks up JoJo’s mic and strolls off. K-Ci looks over his shoulder and continues singing. It’s star time.
The stage hand’s lack of concern says it all. He knows what was going on backstage. JoJo was clearly fucked up on gallons of alcohol, the finest in Australia’s illicit drugs.. you make the call.
But it’s more sad than funny. I’m sure Mary J. Blige would agree. She was with K-Ci when she was having her drug problems and living drama. It was all about Jodeci back then. Here they are 15 years later and clearly, still wrapped up in the same destructive lifestyle.
I’m wondering if K-Ci not being surprised is because this blackout thing happens all the time. This picture was taken in February 2008. JoJo’s head was never pockmarked like that. Looks like he lands on his face on a regular basis.
Leave the drugs alone kiddies.
☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼
You know…PART of me says I shouldn’t laugh…but…well, no. It’s funny.
Seriously though, it never ceases to amaze me how truly f*cked up one can become from drugs.
I hope these fellows get it together. Fans are forgiving (in time).
No words…
With such talent…......why?
it is not the crack pipe. it’s that yak. they are alcoholics. trust me on this one.
or a little bit of both
There are no assumptions here. The video shows everything. It was either alcohol or drugs that’s clear.
That picture looks like he has AIDS lesions on his face, I hope thats not what it is but thats how they look.
im a fan of kc and jojo wh ever happen to the other guys
I’ve recently been watching KC & JoJo’s reality show “KC & JoJo Come Clean”. They clearly have dark burnt lips from drug use specifically crack. You do not get burnt lips and messed up teeth from alcohol. They need to really come with the truth and let people know there was drugs involved with the alcohol use. The reality of it is they are not making a come back. The drug use and alcohol made sure of that. Sad to say because I’ve loved & listened to their music when they started out in the very beginning, early 90’s.
They are and have made a come back