Mason Betha Ministry Sighting: Is Pastor Mase Preaching Again?
When Mase came back to hip-hop I wasn’t upset about his decision. Can you fault a man for trying to make a living? If the church wasn’t doing it for him, why not come back to music with a new mature sound? Although he explained his return as wanting to ‘undo the damage’ he had done in his shiny suit days, I think know it was for the money.
How he would be able to make that work was the real question. Big brand hip-hop demands that you play in Satan’s playground, you know, as Mase would describe it.
His first step at ‘undoing’ was a little awkward. In the video for “Welcome Back” he flashed that Bad Boy smile, the I’m back on the block look, you realized he wasn’t that young 20-something rapper he used to be though, and he couldn’t rhyme about all the things he had denounced, so he got a pass for trying to steer clear of diving right into the temptations and subjects that drove him out of music in the first place.
Then “Welcome Back” tanked.
Mase threw his pastor suit in the gutter, lit it on fire, abandoning all attempts at making ‘undo’ music and tried to make a deal with 50 Cent; literally shaking hands with the devil. Memorably, Mase was on a mixtape while 50 and the then tight G-Unit are popping guns, talking shit, and laughing about murdering wanks. The reformed rapper turned preacher turned preacher-rapper in a fitted is riding along in this bullet-ridden car; the hypcocrisy was so obvious and wrong it became the talk of the streets.
50 was excited about making a cinematic album where Mase takes it from the street to the pulpit and have it veer off in all kinds of unholy directions. Mase was excited too.
The only thing that stopped the album’s creation was Diddy realizing something big could happen with this twisted preacher thing. He waved Mase’s contract in the air wanting his share of any potential success, which drove 50 crazy. What did the Lox call Diddy again?.. Oh, the paper gangster. Like Diddy would say, it’s just business.
After a bunch of frustrating discussions where 50 discovered how ‘gangster’ Diddy could be, 50 decided he didn’t want to make the album anymore.
So where did that leave Mase?
It looks like it’s back to the church.
Here is the good pastor (introduced by his wife) delivering a sermon ‘recently.’
I’m quoting recent because I’m not sure when this clip was recorded. As you’ll see RealTalkNY posted it but there’s no indication of when they grabbed it. Mason Betha Ministries looks to be updated though. There is a broadcast schedule that says his sermons are shown Mon-Fri on everything from Time Warner Cable to DirectTV and Dish Network.
I’ll have to check if it’s live tomorrow morning.
How anyone can take him serious after leaving the church and knocking on Hell’s gates is a mystery, guess they fell for that undoing line.
I’ll tell you one thing if he wasn’t Mase he’d be Creflo Dollar Jr.
☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼
Why are all tv pastors subject matter about $$$
What does Creflo Dollar have to do with this let Mace stand for himself.
Well I say, hang dat nigga! I got the rope right here. It ain’t no sense in the black man talkin by Beautiful White Jesus. Niggas ain’t never thought about the Angelic White God until we were taken outa the jungle and given civility by our very considerate white Masters.Praise White Jesus!!!
—Uncle Ruckus
love the uncle ruckus quote…right on!!
I will just pray for you and all your love ones who have been dealing with your built up uncontrollable hate. It is obvious you are unhappy and full of disappointment. Open your heart and let God in. “All things are possible through God who strengthens me”. I am not a n***r, but I am African America. Misery loves company, and he won’t get any from me or my love one. Stef as the sayin go,” a person who stands for nothing, will fall for anything. I can tell you are trying to find you place in life, the only place to be is in God’s favor. The path to him is through repentance and asking your Lord and Savior to not only be a part of your life, but to guide your path. You need to be submissive to God and his will. You will feel 100% happier and content with your life.
Your sister in Christ,
Mrs. T.C.A Sims
who are we to judge another the bible says turn the other cheek .all i can say is keep preaching in gods name and it will be alright with me.
The bible says he who is with outsin cast the first stone. God new that we as man was born with a sinful nature thank God his son died for us.
I’ve been a member of this church for a/b 4 years…our church never closed…God bless.
Mase had the heart and the understanding that he had to submit and return to God’s word.He realizes it is better to store his treasures in heaven than on earth.Good example Mase.
HELLO I AM FROM KAMPALA UGANDA. many young people look up to mase how he has changed his life. He should do soe thing like a hit with T-Bone.
I am gospel hip-hop artist as well but many christian out here don``t appreciate that this is a way of changing some young souls. I need videos of mase`s life to carry them to our youth programs to show young people how they can turn from being addicted to circular hip hop. We beat the devil by our testimonies.Any concerned please mail me at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
christian entertainment forever!!! guys. be blessed
I would love to jump all over this and judge mase but the truth is i have no right to judge. I was let down when mase fell away again and started doing secular. But again I fall myself all the time and am in need of Gods grace and his blood and body through communion. My prayers are for Mase and I love him. He is still an inspiration to me and I pray God will continue to give him the grace he needs in his life.
Creflo Jr.? HAHAHAHAHA! Word up…dude is from Harlem and now all of a sudden he sounds like some southern church yahoo? Damn Mr. Dollar. How da hell did you so successfully brainwash this dude? MK Ultra Remix? Did y’all put the LSD in the Holy Water or in the “lean”? Ghostface, thanks for attempting to “retire” this dripping of wack juice coward…
How can anyone be sure if Mr. Betha is being deceptive or whether or not his motive is pure for going into ministry and leaving and then returning. Mr. Betha has alot to learn about the Great Commission. I believe if he really understood then there would be no need to preach anything else but Christ crucified. (Read Galatians 2:20) Then he should ask the Lord to increse the membership (the finanical increase will come) of his ministry. But because he has seen million dollars a few times and has seen the greed involved with those of the rap industry, in particular; he knows how to preach about the deceitfulness of riches but he must keep his motives pure or else he will snare his own soul over riches and by proxy become a servant of the devil (that might be Mr.Betha right now.) As a person who has the utmost respect for the word of God I don’t sense that Mr.Betha walks with the Jesus of the Bible(WE ALL MUST BE CAREFUL WHO WE CONSIDER AS ANOINTED MEN AND WOMEN OF GOD).
You must understand that the devil has no problem with someone like Mr.Betha leaving then returning then leaving the rap game for the ministry because if you understand how the enemy works you would realize that Satan can use a person more brilliantly when his or her lips are close to Jesus but his or her heart is far from Him! I would say pray daily so no one would be abele to decieve you with flattering words and their outer appearance.To me Mr.Betha really needs to cleanse himself by realizing the reality of ACT 26:16-18
Yes, he sounds country just like Creflo, and I understand that Creflo encouraged Mase to go back into rapping. If this is true, could the blood be on Creflo’s hands? They both love money and perhaps that’s their downfall.
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is Saqib Yaqub from Pakistan. I have visited your website and found it most encouraging and the site bringing close to the truths of the Word of God. We are a team here working to bring such material into Urdu and Punjabi, our national and local languages. We translate and record (audio) the material and ask the ministry to put that material on the website for the people who are known to these languages. This will bring many souls close to the true truths of the Bible. Although, for this, there will be some expenses needed to get up to that task. But for the Glory of God and to get the people into the kingdom of God we need your help in that. We will be keep looking for your positive views on it.
May the will of God be done.
Saqib Yaqub
why are people do down on this man. okay he made a bad decision my gosh. have any of u never, ever made a wrong choice or not so good decision? it is so easy to look down on other people and not look at ourselves. don’t u know u r being judged while u r judging someone else. why don’y u pray that the lord keep him and that the holt spirit direct him to stay on the right path instead of stoning the man. my goodness. i hope none of u r christians. if so shame on u. pray, instead of throwing stones. if u r not a christian, u going to hell and u really can’t talk about anybody, can u?
If god can forgive any of us for the unspeakable things that we’ve ALL done, than why can’t anyone forgive this man for what he’s done?
I know for a fact that the church never closed and Pastor Mason never left the church. He was still preacher during this time. In order to win souls, you have to dress in sheeps clothing.
Hey, Mase I pray you will stay with the lord and don’t let know one make you 50 cent, puff diddy, or anyone. Just be mase through the Lord Jesus Cchrist and you will be blessed will your mininistry with and finances. So just believe and keep relationship your with god and you will be happy for what you truely pray for. god bless!!!!!
He’s a scam artist just like most partors, ministers and preachers. If the money in rap got hot for him again he would surely return to the rap game. I ain’t mad at him though.
Where do I start? This situation first and formost is certainly a confusing and sad one. Mase as some might know him, happens to be a “Self Proclaimed Pastor”. While Pastor’s like myself and others have sarificed our personal lives and agendas for the sake of Jesus, Mase really did not sacrifice anything. I am a Bible School Graduate, but most importandly I am called by God to be a Pastor. Others call themselves and get ordained by anyone who’s willing to grab some sort of fame, when that takes place, the desire to serve two masters is evedent in ones life. It becomes a never ending toug of war to serve God or serve Satan. Yes, we all face that war, but leaders face it like no other. When Jesus called the disciples, He said, “Come follow Me.” Man had to leave everything behind to become a follower of Christ, and sadly enough, many did not(Rich Young Ruler etc.)We see this eveident in the lives of Christians today. The party harty Christian who lives for Satan 6 days out of the week and then Praises God on Sundy’s. The Bible teaches us clearly, “Do not be fooled, God is not mocked.” Many have a misunderstanding on who God really is, although we will never have the ability to completely know God, in our present time, God has revealed Himself to us through the Bible. Mase is not the first and certainly won’t be the last to attempt to return to Egypt, the question that must be asked, “Will you follow him?” Not Jesus but Mase. Will you follow him back to Egypt? Jesus leaves everyone with a choice. “Come follow Me.” According to scripture, that was not a question, it was a command. So did Mase really leave everything to follow Jesus? I would have to assume that he did not. Let’s continue to serious pray for this brother. God still and will always love the “Prodical Son”.
Why is everyone down on Mase? Aren’t we all sinners? we all fall short. He is human like the rest of us. Of course he is going to make mistakes. You guys are talking as if you are all perfect like you don’t ever make mistakes. Nobody is perfect. Everyone has an opinion but at least have an opinion that makes sense. Reverend Anthony I dont think it is right for you to put this brother down. Who was a successful rapper at one point & time. He did sacrafice alot , He was very rich. Anytime you leave a successful lifestyle to follow God, that is a big sacrifice. How many rappers do you know would actually do what he did, even today. Not too many I’m sure because of their love for MONEY. & MONEY is the root to all evil. There more worried about how they will look in the public eye. & If you are a reverend you should be speaking words of encouragement & pray for him so that he doesn’t make the same mistake he did before. Don’t you know that you are judging this man of God. You don’t have a right to judge & neither do I. Only God has the right to judge. & the way you are speaking about your accomplishments you are giving yourself the glory. & not God. None of us can live the way we want to. Because we all need God’s help. It is set up to fail if we try to do it our way. So I say Mase Be Blessed & Thank you for taking a stand for our youth the way you have.
Hello to All…
I usually do not blog, but everybody truly does have an opinion. You can say you are not judging, but if you leave a comment (or have a thought) about Mase’s (or anyone else’s) life, you are judging. Although this page is meant to comment about his life, there is a much bigger picture than whether or not Mase is still saved, still preaching, fighting with Sean Combs or signed with 50 Cent.
Our focus should be more so on ministry, not the “Hallelujah, thank you Jesus - then act a fool” kind of ministry. I am speaking of people genuinely desiring for others to know the Jesus Christ you have had an encounter with. THEN, for them to have experiences beyond just receiving salvation. God has called us to far greater things. Let us all repent(change our way thinking) and walk in great things.
If Pastor Bethea (no, he is not my pastor), is preaching, rapping…every man has a decision to make. Are you doing what you should be doing? In church or in life, read it however you will, should you be in school, working in a specific field, training for ministry or writing rhymes/books?
My tone is serious because reading this blog, there are at least two comments from outside of the states. Both commented with encouragement, but one is specifically asking for footage of Bethea’s ministry to take to others - for ministry. It sends a sense of urgency when dealing with souls and people who do not know Jesus. Just something to think about….I am talking to myself too! I am reminded why I chose to accept the call of ministy, instead of continuing to run. Just something to think about.
God Bless you (for real)
I hope you learn of God’s wonderfully designed plan for your life and walk in it!
i wonder if God.. jesus.. would have wanted him to preach(rap) to sinners or the church.???
This is Saima runing a women and children ministry in Pakistan.
In pakistan women are not treated well. And I am the big example, I had to fight a lot to become a teacher and then no one gives me local contribution. Pakistani people think that women are only to work at home and be house wife. And bow down our heads what ever men say weather we like it or not.
So taking a step forward against these costoms I have planed few things several years ago.
The mission of our Women ministry is to edify, educate, and facilitate the growth and maturity of women from all walks of life, particularly women in transition from shelters, welfare, incarceration, halfway houses, poverty, and situations of abuse.
We pray that we can be able to provide incarcerated women with our study materials, the correspondence course to give HOPE to women who are struggling with difficult circumstances. And for these dreams to come true we need some Godly people to suport my women and children ministry so we can make a difference.
Plz keep Praying for our positive missions for the women of this muslim country. Kindly hold the hands of our ministry and suport us.
dow is our website and for more information you are most welcom to ask any qastion about our work.
Servant of Christ
2Cor 9:15 says “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!”
I have not too much to say about this… But I just wanna respond to the quote of this certain individual “Uncle Ruckus”... “The word of God states “for God is no respecter of persons”... Now let’s break that certain scripture down. That means God does not respect a person based on his skin tone or his status in society. I don’t care if you playing or not, but you need not to put a color on Jesus Christ because even in the book of Revelation, the Bible gives description of the Son of Man (Jesus Christ). It speaks that His voice is like many rushing waters (deep) and His skin was like bronze (dark skinned) so to state that Jesus Christ was white you would be a fool not to consider all the Word of God. Jesus wasn’t not black, nor was He white. He was a dark skinned Hebrew (Jewish). Get your mind right bruh. Real talk. Thank you God for the ignorance of man, for it let’s us know that we have no choice but to depend on You.
To Whom It May Concern: Greetings! It’s a great honor for me to contact you through this e-mail. My name is Pervaiz Anthony have been involved in Sunday school and prayer groups at our local level. I have went through your website and found it very very interesting and fruitful for Christian believers and people who have interest in Christianity and are growing in Christian faith. Brothers and sisters, I could read your website and most of your teachings and stuff because I can read and understand English, but how about those Christians who do not know English and can not understand it. They also need such a wonderful teachings and material on your website to grow more and more in their faith and understand the great message of Jesus Christ Pakistan is a Muslim country but Christians are growing in numbers day by day but not all of them know English. As you may be aware that many ministries and churches and reaching out to people in countries like Pakistan by translating their teachings and messages in their local languages like Urdu. Urdu is a national language of Pakistan and it’s widely spoken and understood in the country. I would like to express my deepest desire to request you to translate your teachings and web site materiel, tracts, magazines, booklets and audio material like CDs and DVDs in Urdu language. By translating your written and audio material in Urdu language is a great opportunity to reach out people in Pakistan. This translated material will be a useful source for Christians as well as non Christians to understand the message of Gospel more clearly and easily. Please consider this request to translate your wonderful teachings and Gospel messages in Urdu languages. Hope to hear from you soon Your brother in Christ Pervaiz Anthony Pakistan.
all you judging are going to hell if you knew god you would know he is a forgivig god.
To Whom It May Concern: Greetings! It’s a great honor for me to contact you through this e-mail. My name is Evangelist Fahim John have been involved in Sunday school and prayer groups at our local level. I have went through your website and found it very very interesting and fruitful for Christian believers and people who have interest in Christianity and are growing in Christian faith. Brothers and sisters, I could read your website and most of your teachings and stuff because I can read and understand English, but how about those Christians who do not know English and can not understand it. They also need such a wonderful teachings and material on your website to grow more and more in their faith and understand the great message of Jesus Christ Pakistan is a Muslim country but Christians are growing in numbers day by day but not all of them know English. As you may be aware that many ministries and churches and reaching out to people in countries like Pakistan by translating their teachings and messages in their local languages like Urdu. Urdu is a national language of Pakistan and it’s widely spoken and understood in the country. I would like to express my deepest desire to request you to translate your teachings and web site materiel, tracts, magazines, booklets and audio material like CDs and DVDs in Urdu language. By translating your written and audio material in Urdu language is a great opportunity to reach out people in Pakistan. This translated material will be a useful source for Christians as well as non Christians to understand the message of Gospel more clearly and easily. Please consider this request to translate your wonderful teachings and Gospel messages in Urdu languages. Hope to hear from you soon. Keeping this in my daily prayers.
Your brother in Christ
Evangelist Fahim John Pakistan.
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Cell; 0092-300-4500596
Fahim john S/ o Amanat Masih
St# 1 House# 2 christian colony J block Arif wala Disstak pakpattan
Punjab Pakistan (57450)
Dear Pastor,
i am pastor Amir Fazal from lahore pakistan married with two childrens.i am also runing a ministry in pakistan lahore and also runing a healing meating on every monday to much peoples r gethered in this meating.i want peoples change their lifes.
acctualy i want a big cursade in pakistan many chiristains areas round about our church about 14to16 and we could collect about 80to90 thousandes peoples for a big cursade i want that chiristain boday become develop in pakistan but i have no bujet i want u arranged this cursaed with us which based on ur name this is God work.
Pastor Amir Fazal & Mrs Sonia Amir Fazal
Or if u dose not want cursade u only come for visit and preaching in our meatings
DEAR Pastor
How r u . I am pastor Amir Fazal from Lahore Pakistan . I am
runing a ministry ( Water of life ministry and Healing church )
in Pakistan .I am preaching in a village area where no more pastors.
plese prayer my ministry & healing church & my familly.
There is so many revivel in the Pakistan . There are 15 TO 20 Christian
villages around my area. We can collect so big crowd, near about 70 to 80
thousands peoples. We orgniezed crusades and Pastor confrenc. We
invite you in Pakistan .Please come and share the word of God in Pakistan.
Thanks, God bless you
From, Pastor Amir Fazal ( Chairman & Founder )
Email us : .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Web address : http://www.pastoramirfazal.webs.com
Dear Pastor,
please contact with me on my mailing address becuase i want a big cursade.
Pastor Amir Fazal
Dear pasters,
well i am 25 year old Boy,belong to Christan family,from pakistan
i would like to request all of you
please pray for me and my family,for our spiritual Growth, for our bisness for Kitchen,every thing that belong to us,will be Blissful
in mane of Jesus, Amen
1 Corinthians 12:4-5
There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men and women.
Matthew 28:18-20
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
God Bless u all
i think that mase is all about money. money is not good if you are a pastor donot do it for the money do it for god.i hop that mase will get his self togher and work for GOD. Think you all and god bless you all.
hello dear pastor,
how ar uoy.i am pastor amir fazal lahore pakistan.as you know that christmas is near this is verry happy event and as know i am preaching in a poor village there ar poor people i waint that plese u sum help of there poor peoples therefor they also wear new dressess on christmas event,spciealy for orphans children and for widow women.i hope u will must sumthing help for there poor peoples.
Pastor Amir Fazal
my cell no 0092+321-4696094
hello dear pastor
how ar you.i am pastor amir fazal lahore pakistan.as you know that christmas is near this is verry happy event and as know i am preaching in a poor village there ar poor people i waint that plese u sum help of there poor peoples therefor they also wear new dressess on christmas event,spciealy for orphans children and for widow women.i hope u will must sumthing help for there poor peoples.
Pastor Amir Fazal
my cell no 0092+321-4696094
Chairman & Fouder Pastor Amir Fazal
Dear Friend,
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, our God!
I viewed your ministry work and really impressed and wish that May God give us chance to work together to be witness of God in this world and we can do something good for people.
I am sending you our ministry introduction and I wish to build partnership/fellowship and get involved with your ministry to spread the word of God in our areas. Let us work together to make Jesus known to the world. Please send us your materials, publications and literature if any. If you are organizing any seminar, convention, conference, healing prayers and crusades please invite us we will love to learn and grow in love of Jesus and Fellowship.
To know about our ministry work, please click at: http://gnmpak47.webs.com.
Recently we have organized Rural Pastor’s and Leadership Training, to view the pictures please visit at:
Nadeem Aslam
Good News Ministries
House No.224, Ward No. 2, Mohalla Islamabad,
Shorkot Cantt, District Jhang,
Mob: 0092-331-8665042, 0092-334-9940275
Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address),
Hello Pastor Mase,i just wanted to know why where you going back an forth ...on what you want to do ....if you say god called you to preach ...preach brother ...but you went back to rappin..an then that didnt work out you went back to preaching…...the bible said theres only one God…An to all the haters that talking about Mase…dude is trying to get his life right…there are so many people that are saved an when they get out of church they smoke,cuss etc…..stop trying to tare the man down just lift him up….pray for him..God Bless you Pastor Mase..
hello dear pastor Mason betha
how ar you.i am wating your answer 2010 you visit pakistan & preached the every monday healing meating.i am wating your answer.and my new web adress
Hello Dear Pastor
i am pastor Amir Fazal from lahore pakistan .i am also runing a ministry in pakistan lahore and also runing a healing meating on every monday cursade to much peoples r gethered in this meating.i want peoples change their lifes.
acctualy i want a big cursade in pakistan many chiristains areas round about our church about 45to66 and we could collect about 100to160 thousandes peoples for a big cursade i want that chiristain boday become develop in pakistan.u arranged this cursaed with us which based on ur name this is God work.
E- MAIL .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
call no-+0092-321-4696094
WEBES http://www.pastoramirfazal.webs.com
Chairman & Founder pastor Amir Fazal & Mrs Sonia Amir Fazal
i am wating your answer
Hello Dear Pastor
i am pastor Amir Fazal from lahore pakistan .i am also runing a ministry in pakistan lahore and also runing a healing meating on every monday cursade to much peoples r gethered in this meating.i want peoples change their lifes.
acctualy i want a big cursade in pakistan many chiristains areas round about our church about 45to66 and we could collect about 100to160 thousandes peoples for a big cursade i want that chiristain boday become develop in pakistan.u arranged this cursaed with us which based on ur name this is God work.
E- MAIL .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
call no-+0092-321-4696094
WEBES http://www.pastoramirfazal.webs.com
Chairman & Founder pastor Amir Fazal & Mrs Sonia Amir Fazal
Hello Dear Pastor
i am pastor Amir Fazal from lahore pakistan .i am also runing a ministry in pakistan lahore and also runing a healing meating on every monday cursade to much peoples r gethered in this meating.i want peoples change their lifes.
acctualy i want a big cursade in pakistan many chiristains areas round about our church about 45to66 and we could collect about 100to160 thousandes peoples for a big cursade i want that chiristain boday become develop in pakistan.u arranged this cursaed with us which based on ur name this is God work.
E- MAIL .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
call no-+0092-321-4696094
WEBES http://www.pastoramirfazal.webs.com
Chairman & Founder pastor Amir Fazal & Mrs Sonia Amir Fazal
i am wating your answer.
i am Pastor Amanat Paul from Pakistan Multan.i am a preacher and i am doing outreach Ministry.Holy Bible sayes in (Mark 16:15) according to this verse i am doing preaching in Christians and non_Christians.now at a time i am also preaching in Hindus.so please pray for me that i want to preach more and more peoples. pray for me that GOD give me more power to do his work well.
contact no:+92_300_7338167
My name is Pastor Asif Mubark. Me and my Younger Brother Evangelist Kashif Mubark Runing Catch The Holy Fire Ministery here in Pakistan for 8 Years. We have 20 home churches all around Pakistan. As you know serving in A Islamic country is not easy way to go but we are very thankful to our Lord for His protection that we are still safe and serving. Please always keep us in your prayers as now a days persecution is very high in Pakistan. Last year the Muslim Mob burned down 3 Differents Christian colonies Inculding Our Christian Colony Gojra . Other 2 Christian Colonies are just on 10 miles away from my Hometown. Please pray for the persecuted church of Pakistan. May God bless you abundantly and your work! Your fellowship will be a privilage for me.
Your Brother
Pastor Asif Mubark
Hello Dear pastor mason
i am pastor Amir Fazal Lahore Pakistan.i running a ministry Water Of Life Ministry & Healing Church in Lahore Pakistan.i am preaching in a poor village area where no moor pastor i have a teme.Water of Life Church 23 may 39 peopel Water Baptisms & New Life Jesus christ.i am invite you in lahore pakistan and Every Monday Healing Meating and Sunday Morning preached the world of God.i am wating your answer.
Plese Prayer Pastor Amir Fazal & Family & Tame.
God Bless You.
Rev;Pastor Amir Fazal & Pastor Sonia Amir Fazal
Web http://www.pastoramirfazal.webs.com
My Cell No 0092-321-4696094
e mail .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
i am wating your answer
Hello Dear Pastor Mason Betha
i am pastor Amir Fazal from lahore pakistan .i am also runing a ministry in pakistan lahore and also runing a healing meating on every monday cursade to much peoples r gethered in this meating.i want peoples change their lifes.
acctualy i want a big cursade in pakistan many chiristains areas round about our church about 45to66 and we could collect about 100to160 thousandes peoples for a big cursade i want that chiristain boday become develop in pakistan.u arranged this cursaed with pastor canfornas
us which based on ur name this is God work.
E- MAIL .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
cell no-+0092-321-4696094
WEBES http://www.pastoramirfazal.webs.com
Chairman & Founder pastor Amir Fazal & Mrs Sonia Amir Fazal
i am wating your answer.
To Whom It May Concern: Greetings! It’s a great honor for me to contact you through this e-mail. My name is pastor Raheel John have been involved in Sunday school and prayer groups at our local level. I have went through your website and found it very very interesting and fruitful for Christian believers and people who have interest in Christianity and are growing in Christian faith. Brothers and sisters, I could read your website and most of your teachings and stuff because I can read and understand English, but how about those Christians who do not know English and can not understand it. They also need such a wonderful teachings and material on your website to grow more and more in their faith and understand the great message of Jesus Christ Pakistan is a Muslim country but Christians are growing in numbers day by day but not all of them know English. As you may be aware that many ministries and churches and reaching out to people in countries like Pakistan by translating their teachings and messages in their local languages like Urdu. Urdu is a national language of Pakistan and it’s widely spoken and understood in the country. I would like to express my deepest desire to request you to translate your teachings and web site materiel, tracts, magazines, booklets and audio material like CDs and DVDs in Urdu language. By translating your written and audio material in Urdu language is a great opportunity to reach out people in Pakistan. This translated material will be a useful source for Christians as well as non Christians to understand the message of Gospel more clearly and easily. Please consider this request to translate your wonderful teachings and Gospel messages in Urdu languages. Hope to hear from you soon. Keeping this in my daily prayers.
Your brother in Christ
pastor Raheel John Pakistan.
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Cell; 0092-346-7839468
pastor Raheel John
St# 1 House# 2 christian colony J block Arif wala Disstak pakpattan
Punjab Pakistan (57450)
Hello Dear Pastor
i am pastor Amir Fazal from lahore pakistan .i am also runing a ministry in pakistan lahore and also runing a healing meating on every monday cursade to much peoples r gethered in this meating.i want peoples change their lifes.
acctualy i want a big cursade in pakistan many chiristains areas round about our church about 45to66 and we could collect about 100to160 thousandes peoples for a big cursade i want that chiristain boday become develop in pakistan.u arranged this cursaed with pastor canfornas
us which based on ur name this is God work.
E- MAIL .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
cell no-+0092-321-4696094
WEBES http://www.pastoramirfazal.webs.com
Chairman & Founder pastor Amir Fazal & Mrs Sonia Amir Fazal
i am wating your answer.
mase—-how amazing a much needed sermon to hear.
pam greenwood
December Cursade 2010
Water OF Life Ministry in Lahore City Punjab Pakistan.
Hello Dear Pastor.how ar you.i am Pastor Amir Fazal Lahore Pakistan.i running a ministry in
Water OF Life Ministry & Healing Fire Church in Lahore pakistan.Every Monday Healing Cursade
Meating in lahore City Pakistan.i am Preaching in a lahore pakistan.God use me in pakistan atheres
area .i have a teme .2o December WATER OF LIFE MINISTRY Birthday & i am arange a Big Cursade Mirecal
Night Meating IN Lahore Pakistan.
20 December Chirstmas CAKE Cuting program in This Cursade Night Meating 20.000 thosezen peopel
in geather in this Cursade Meating.
i am invite you in Lahore Pakistan & Plese you visite in Water OF Life Ministry & Preached THE
PLESE PRAYER 20 DEACMBER Cursade Night Meating.
Chairman & Founder Pastor Amir Fazal & Mrs Pastor Sonia Amir Fazal.
My Webs http://www.pastoramirfazal.webs.com
i am wating your answer.
Mase trying just like us all ok stop hating black people love http://www.facebook.com/bornstarmusic look up Arjune Stallings
Hello dear believers of Christ,
I am just want tell to you all about a religeous thief who is earning money in Jesus name and ministry is just a business for him.
He is not a Pastor as he saying only internet that i am Pastor Asif Mubarak. He did not do any Bible Diploma and he has beptized just 2 years ago and he beptized just for earn the money from God’s people but he is saying and posting to the reall believers I am running the ministry fro 8 years that is totally wrong. He is just luster and crazy about earn the money spend the life easy. He has not doing any thing(God’s Work) he is just earning money by jesus name.
PLEASE be aware from this luster ASIF MUBARAK(not pastor but religeous thief)
Pastor JohnScott
Hello dear believers of Christ,
I am just want tell to you all about a religeous thief who is earning money in Jesus name and ministry is just a business for him.
He is not a Pastor as he saying only internet that i am Pastor Asif Mubarak. He did not do any Bible Diploma and he has beptized just 2 years ago and he beptized just for earn the money from God’s people but he is saying and posting to the reall believers I am running the ministry fro 8 years that is totally wrong. He is just luster and crazy about earn the money spend the life easy. He has not doing any thing(God’s Work) he is just earning money by jesus name.
PLEASE be aware from this luster ASIF MUBARAK(not pastor but religeous thief)
Pastor JohnScott
Hello Dear Pastor Mason,
How ar you,i am Pastor Amir Fazal Lahore Pakistan,i am Running a Ministry Lahore Punjab Pakistan,Ministry Name Water OF lIFE Ministry & Fazal Healing Church,i am preaching in a Lahore City & outereached area ,Water OF LIFE MINISTRY Every Monday Healing Meating & Sunday Morning,
i have a teme but i cannot afword these pay plese prayer & i am invite you lahore pakistanplese you com visite my area
& preach The Every Monday Healing Cursade Night,
i am wating your answer,
God Bless You.
webs http://www.pastoramirfazal.webs.com
Chairman & Founder Pastor Amir Fazal & Mrs Pastor Sonia Amir Fazal
My Call No +0092-321-4696094