R. Kelly is Not Guilty!
The jury on the R. Kelly case have deliberated, pondered, fumbled with the evidence, and found him.. “Not Guilty!”
The judgment was handed in a half-hour ago. The judge gave the jury the case on Thursday. Which always makes for a ‘sound’ decision on a sunny Friday. They weren’t about to be sequestered for the weekend - I’ve been in that situation.
Neither the alleged victim or her parents testified during the trial. Only one witness, Lisa Van Allen, testified that R. Kelly had an inappropriate relationship with the girl. Van Allen spoke of having multiple menages with them. R. Kelly’s lawyers dismissed her claims, saying Van Allen was attempting to extort him.
So who is the girl on the tape? The explanation was the alleged victim is actually an (of age?) prostitute.
R. Kelly obviously didn’t testify. The defense’s case leaned heavy on a caterpillar shaped mole on R. Kelly’s back, which wasn’t visible on the man in the video. Their closing statement had that ol’ Cochran feel - If there’s no mole, you gotta let him go!
Obviously, the jury fell for it.
Remy Ma cried about not having enough money to defend herself. There must be a little something to that. Any one of us with a starring role in our personal rendition of On Golden Pond, would be in PC as we speak.
If you’re in Chicago, head for the nearest hotspot..
R. Kelly’s buying drinks 😉
☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼
This means Remy Ma was right. When you have money you can break the law and get away with it. If he is free why can’t she be free? Free Remy Ma, and this is coming from a person that believes that she should be in jail. But R, which is short for Rapist, Kelly is definitely guilty. I am in the wrong business I need to be an R&B; singer so I can do crime and pay not to do the time. Money really does talk.
what do we have here….NOT GUILTY ha ha ha in your face Kelly haters!!!
What we have here is a rapist that got away with it and a supporter that is OK with it. Ha ha ha in your face asshole.
Here is my question… When R. Kelly was on BET why couldn’t he say that he did not have sex with a minor. Answer… Because he did. The guy is on video tape and he still got away with it. Fuck saying that there was no mole on his back he probably had it painted over or removed. This is what money can do for you. R. Kelly you are a rapist the jury was just full of a bunch of ignorant people. I better not ever see you around my daughter or you will be dealt with!!!!!
This was a joke, he was so guilty. I like R.Kelly’s music, but the man was guilty. Everybody saw the tape, he’s guilty. All I can say is karma’s a bitch, and you always reap what you sow…
MsMoni, Thats the thing, everybody saw the tape and yet he was found “not guilty”. This shows us how important money is. I am sure that there are poor people in jail that don’t have the ends to make a case for themselves and on the other hand when you have money this is what happens. This justice system is so blatantly broken that it isn’t even funny. What a shame. How can ANY law maker go to sleep at night with this kind of shit happening.
Ok the jury has spoken. It is over. Can we all just move on to more important topics and just leave well enough alone. I get so tired of people worrying about these celebs like this is something that you get paid for.
I agree. People always get wrapped up in the wrong things!!! We should be focusing on Unemployment, Homelessness, Gas prices and the War at hand. This R. Kelly trial is B.S. compared to the problems that affect all of us on a daily basis. I will leave you all with this one “Opinions are like assholes..Everybody has one!!”
The jury has spoken and they were dead wrong. I will never let go of a man that is a millionare who because of his money can have any woman that he wants raping and peeing on a child. To trivialize his actions as a small problem is just nuts. Had that been one of your daughters would you be talking about gas prices and homelessness? I think not. But I could be wrong some people are OK with what that bastard did. How disturbing. Oh yeah, about the opinions comment, there are no opinions here there are facts it’s on the video tape HE RAPED THAT GIRL.
Let it go, R. Kelly should have let that teenage girl go and now because he has money and idiots like his music we should let him get away with it. It’s a shame that there are people that think it’s OK for that rapist to get away with what he did because he makes good music. The guy is a rapist and I now put him ahead of OJ on list on people that got away with it.
well all i can say is the trial is OVER!!! i understand ur upset and all but its enough black men in jail already and some for things they didn’t do but i can truly say if he did any wrong it will come back to bit him in the butt not me and u either..we all will be accountable for our own wrong-doings! my time here is spent**
True indeed there enough black men in jail and some didn’t even do the crime they are in jail for but to let an obvious rapist go is unacceptable. He has a pattern of doing this type of shit but his money has set him free. This is one that I can’t use the too many black men are in jail excuse. There needs to be one more in there with them and his name is Rapist Kelly.
what part of he is AQUITTED did i miss i mean damn. kelly is tha man he’s gonna make another album for all yall muthaf**kin haters!!
is not that he got off. i think it is a shame that it came down to a mole.
What part of aquitted did you miss you ask. The part that there was a VIDEO of him f**king a teenage girl and the jury didn’t even care. What amazes me is there are mothers out there that are backing this verdict. Then we wonder why our race is full of young girls having baby after baby. To the post above, you are right it IS a shame that it came down to amole that could have been surgically removed at any time during the past SIX years.
Ur absolutely right..but oh well!! it’s the same thing every time someone goes to trial u say i can’t wait until the jury puts that so and so away and then when they see it a different way this is what happens. and i heard it was a rape victim on the jury as well and for them to let him off when the odds were against him then it they obviously didn’t think it was him!!
I’ve seen the video and anyone who thinks that this wasn’t R. Kelly is either in love with his music or paid off. The justice system is so broken that it is actually alarming.
Ha Ha Ha In Your Face Bitches!!!
Rapist Sylvester Kelly is a f*** and if I ever saw him around my daughter my fist would be in his face bitches.
Robert Kelly now aged 41 years was once legally married to Aaliyah Houghton now deceased, when she was 15 years old. This was in 1992. The alleged victim now aged 23 years was 13 at the time of the alleged rape.
What you have on one hand is a documented, legal precedent detailing a penchant for pedophilia— R. Kelly marrying Aaliyah when she was 15 years old. Then you have him in a situation that alleges that eleven years after the dissolution of his “marriage” to Aaliyah, he rapes and pees on a 13 year old girl.
To put things into perspective as far as his mole is concerned, there are some misgivings in the air. Let’s clarify them.
This video is alleged to have been filmed when? Ten years ago? What was the quality of video even 10 years ago? This is not a high definition video. I don’t know how big this mole is supposed to be, but you’re not going to see it even if the tape was Hi-8.
Additionally, how far away were they from the camera? Yeah. Exactly.
The mole/whole argument of whether he was guilty or not hinged on whether or not they could prove he had a relationship of any kind with the victim AND whether or not he had a mole on his back. A mole which although he may not have had 10 years ago could have developed over time.
And didn’t they postpone the trial a few times? One of which was so he could have his appendix removed (and quite possibly a mole— a large mole added)? Think about it. They made the Sheriff’s Department strip Michael Jackson AND take pictures of his junk.
R. Kelly not guilty? Maybe in a court of erroneous law, but guilty nontheless.
this is so f**kin stupid. do u dumbasses really think this muthaf**ka is gonna just come knock at your front door..come near my daughter>>and what u dumb nigga please she bout got a snotty ass nose and a nappy azz head. you all really need lives or a 9-5.
I’ll say it again, If that rapist comes near my daughter he is going to catch one. Nobody said that he is going to come knock at my door you dumb ass. Your mother has a snotty nose and nappy head. Sorry bitch my daughter has hair all the way down her back AND IT’S ALL HERS bitch. So know what you are speaking on before you open your punk ass mouth before I knock you in it, and trust me you don’t have a chance with me.
whenever ur ready u can get get get it.
To you + know = me,
Why you so angry, dude?
To you know me, Whenever I am ready I can give it to you child. You are talking to a full grown man so watch your mouth boy.
i’ll just leave it at that f**k niggaz
Trust me I do know. I’ll just leave it at keep my daughter out of your motherf**king mouth boy.
What’s the pink shirt for? To signify all the young girls that he raped. This is a travesty.
It can get twisted your punk ass ain’t got shit here. Just don’t mention my daughter again little boy.
is a biiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaattcchh. i don’t give a f**k about u or her!! don’t u get that. u don’t put no fear in my heart..
Fuck you and your slutty ass mother bitch. The only reason you don’t fear me because you are bad behind the computer face to face you would run like the bitch you are. Punks like you are a disgrace to real men.
tha f**k ever