Stylish → Jill Marie Jones, Not Feelin it + Drool
Jill Marie Jones attended singer, Tank’s birthday party wearing this crazy looking outfit. I like the pieces she wore, if she had worn them separately. Wearing them all together makes this whole look very confusing, and odd.
Taraji P. Henson’s outfit on the other hand, was hot.
*Edit C.G.* → Ever since the Girlfriends split, Jill Marie Jones has worked her way on to a few movie sets. Small parts, but it’s cash and somebody has to pay for those “crazy, looking outfits.” Later this year, Jill Marie-Jones will play Imogene Cochran in Drool. Check the synopsis.. “An abused wife’s plan to escape her husband goes awry when she accidentally kills him, causing her to split on a cross-country drive with with her best friend and his corpse in tow.”
There are no stars in this flick, so it will probably be released to a DVD rack near you, but it’s a tight/interesting twist on marital unrest. Yes.. more interesting than Sasha’s Obsessed
- posted by Stylish1 via Seventh Square
☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼
Open toed boots… Are you kidding me? Those are dumb looking .
get with the times
What times? Those boots are confusing. Are they for winter? Are they for summer? Those boots ARE stupid.
Still love them lips, man i hate she left that show
I really was not good once she left
just like when Martin LEft Gina!!!!!!!
Nah man, this chick and those lips are ugly…
I agree with you Will. There is absolutely nothing attractive about this woman. She needs to get that mouth fixed! I never understood why she played the gold digger on the show Girlfriends. All 3 of the other womaen were much more attractive than her.
jill is beautiful, trust plenty of brothas (and quite a few sistas) are checkin for her lol
she has full lips and nice features some of u should post your pic
Jill if you’re reading this remember everybody needs haters
jill was better looking than the other women. the ones who saying ugly is either white men or dark skin black men
are you kidding me? she is sex on legs!
jill, jill, jill…i have to agree with shaun, because this is one sista who wants to wine and dine you until you can’t think straight (ha ha), especially after seeing your performance in Drool.
@tzadd*ck21, I don’t know what u’r blabbing about, I’m a dark complexioned brother, and I loooove this lady. Her sex appeal is undeniable, and please stop trying to make it seem like most dark skinned brothers have some self loathing complex. None of the other ‘girlfriends’ had anything on Toni Childs, and as soon as she left the show lost its spark, for me, and I just couldn’t watch that crap anymore.