Tina Fey Takes on Sarah Palin on SNL: Vote Now, Cry Later
Tina Fey and Amy Poehler opened yesterday’s SNL with pitch perfect impressions of Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton. Anyone not familiar with Tina Fey (they exist) is excused for thinking Sarah Palin actually made a guest appearance. Tina Fey looks exactly like her and she had all of Sarah Palin’s quirks and hockey mom-itude on point.
Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton Address the Nation
Sarah Palin as a legit choice for VP or otherwise is a bad joke. It’s obvious that her role is to be the distractor factor. Nothing more.
There is no use discussing her obvious flaws or the lack of knowledge of anything outside of an Alaskan oil pipeline. Her ‘fans’ cheer her on the loudest when she talks about being a hockey mom.. I said it again, because she would too.. “She’s just like me.” Yeah, and you shouldn’t be vice-president either.
Vote now, Cry later. Somebody make that a Palin/McCain bumper sticker. In that order..
☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼
I agree with you Chris, It’s no use talking about ALL of her flaws anymore because you won’t be able to stop talking. It is definitely going to be a bad day in America when they are voted into office. Not because she is a woman but because American women are so easily sidetracked by her being nominated that it isn’t even funny. They will make this a womans issue instead of a President of the United States issue. Just watch and see. Now is not the time to vote for someone just because they are a woman. I hope we ALL think in November.
Sad to say hope is all there is. This Palin situation is the best mistake that could have happened to the democrats. Sad and shallow.
This COULD be what the democrats needed. But then again if women start voting with their hearts instead of the best candidate this could be trouble for the democrats. Sad to say Obama did make a mistake when he didn’t pick Hilary.
1 up,
That was no mistake. The whole world knows the Billarys are not number 2s. It would not have worked.
Obama made the best choice. Hillary is not a #2 type person, neither is Bill. People just need to stop kidding themselves. I heard someone say they liked her because she was sassy…wdf? They thought George W. was a cowboy and you see where that got us. Its sad to say that our lack of judgement in this country is indicative of how messed up our education system is. This shouldn’t even be a close election, yet it will be. How sad of a country are we?
MsMoni, You are 100% correct when you say he made the best choice BUT people are so stupid that they are caught up in the fact that this person, who we had not heard anything about until McCain picked her, is a woman. Hilary definitely isn’t a number 2 person but you see the scam the republicans are running and they probably will win this election with it. What does that tell you about the American people? I can’t blame it all on the school system because common sense can’t be taught and that is what is needed here just a little use of the brain. We will see come November.
True the Clintons aren’t #2’s but he should have done it for the Gimmick factor just as the Republicans did. You see the shock factor it has had on the race. The fact that she is a woman has given the GOP a lift. Sad but true their are too many people including McCain that don’t even care about the issues or the state of the US all he cares about is getting into the Whitehouse by any means necessary and he was willing to stoop this low to do it.
I applaud Obama for actually making a pick based on who he thought would be the best for the job and not just for a gimmick. The problem is people don’t even know how to appreciate when someone is trying to show that their making decisions based on real criteria and not just because they needed to do something, anything not to lose. The problem is gimmicks work with too many Americans, that’s why McDonald’s makes so much money. I’m just hoping that this race doesn’t come down to uneducated women, and it’s left up to the younger more eager and informed voters, who favor Obama more than McCain. This is like a bad Disney movie.
first i have to say that this video was one of the funniest skits SNL has done in a long time!
i guess instead of putting my two cents in about the whole McCain-Palin campaign, I’ll just say that we simply need something different. That includes everything that’s been going on. Either way the election goes, it’ll still be new for this country. My vote is dependent upon which “change” affects me in the most positive way. Frankly, I don’t see that coming from anyone who wants to overturn Roe V. Wade.
Barack The Vote people!
In response to Mike: I hope we all do THINK in November, I don’t see how making this campaign a “Woman Issue” is any different than making it a “popularity in Hollywood” issue. As long as Hollywood continues to say “vote for Obama” the masses won’t do their research and will vote for him because P. Diddy or Matt Damon said to. Across the board, I think we should all dig a little deeper for the actual meat of the campaigning and the Candidates actual stances, than basing our vote on the fact that Palin is a woman or Obama is cool because my favorite actor said so. That is just wrong and irresponsible.
The difference is the people in Hollywood want change and everyone knows what is going to happen if McCain gets into office. The actors in Hollywood and anyone else with a quarter of a brain clearly knows what McCain’s agenda was when he picked Palin. The sad part is that Palin herself doesn’t even know that she is being used. She actually thinks that she is qualified. That in itself shows me how dumb she is. Their needs to be no more digging. McCain is playing a game with American women while Obama is trying to do better for America. You tell me who should be President.
WOW. NONE of those responses were to the video.
But anyway:
Obama/Biden ‘08!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So people are voting for Mccain purely for emotional reasons? You don’t think that a good chunk of Americans are voting for Obama based on the fact that he is black? Please. This presidental election is all about emotions, my friends. It’s the battle of the minorities and there are uneducated emotional voters on BOTH sides.
People in Hollywood want change that fits their agenda. But I loved the skit! I thought that both characters did a fantastic job of personifying the ridiculous in both political figures!
I agree with Joe Biden; Hillary probably would have been a better pick
I thought the skit was hilarious, I am a big fan of Tina Fey and Amy Pohler. This election has been a great election to bear witness to. Back in the 80’s when Ronald Regan and George Bush Sr. were running for offices it was the most boring thing an 8 yr old could bear witness to, my 11 yr old daughter is so caught up in this election it’s amazing. When I was her age politics were the most boring thing to see on T.V. Sunday television was the worst to me I would want to just die when my parents watched Meet the Press. My daughter loves Meet the Press, she gets a kick out of what’s going on and believe me her opinion does matter to us. I don’t know if anyone has noticed this or not but one day while we were shopping she pointed out the different women who are not dressing like Sarah Palin, the up do hair, glasses, and make up. Just this past Saturday in the mall, she counted 8! Now that’s our new game, “Spot the Sarah Palin lookalike.” LOL this Sarah Palin thing is getting a little pathetic.
Spot the Sarah Palin lookalike? 😊
“Vote for Palin, Get McCain First”
“Age = Experience. Well, Sometimes.”
“It’s The Economy, Stupid. I Mean, Sarah.”
“The Fundamental Things Still Apply, John.”
see! thats exactly what i said when my dad was like shes a soccer mom and she worked 9-5 just like me…i told him i wouldn’t want you to be president!
To Anonymous, I think that women are going to vote for McCain because they have been tricked by him picking Palin, a woman. Never mind that she can’t even control her own household. Never mind that her 17 year old teenage daughter is pregnant. Never mind that she has used her power as a governor to have people fired because she didn’t like them. Never mind that Condelezza Rice was clearly the better candidate but passed over because she was black. This gimmick is going to work on idiotic women that can’t see beyond the nose on their face and that is extremely sad.
Diana, above, said: “As long as Hollywood continues to say “vote for Obama” the masses won’t do their research and will vote for him because P. Diddy or Matt Damon said to.”
That has to be the most ridiculous thing written here.
Ike, learn to read before you criticizxe someone elses post. I never said anything close to that but you and the rest of the republicans like to twist things and lie about anything that anyone else says. Go to school you moron.
@Blambo. Perhaps “common sense” cannot be taught because it is not common at all, but critical thinking can and should be taught as a mandatory mainstay of our educational systems, for at least the first 12 years of everyone’s education. Then perhaps the future electorate would not be “dumb as posts”, as many of the posts here attest. And who cares what or who Palin knows or doesn’t know? Hell, most of our Vice-Presidents didn’t know squat about anything of real significance. Hell, neither did most of our Presidents. Some could think, and some could act intelligently in their roles. But we can’t know that, and neither can they, until they’re actually there. So toss a coin, or vote your best biases. It doesn’t really matter, now does it?
AlphaOverDog, You are right common sense can’t be taught but that is a scary thought but what I mean by common sense in this case is anybody in their right mind knows that Palin is an idiot. I agree with you that we don’t know the intelligence of any person until they are in office but come on man Palin… We all know that she is an idiot. Usually it is a toss a coin situation but this time the jury is out, she is an idiot and Americans need to know this. Another point is in this case, if elected, McCain is 72 years old and had 4 bouts with cancer so it is very possible that he could die while in the white house and that would leave the all mighty soccer mom in office. Now is that scary or what? The republicans need to come out and say to the people that this is a joke and get her off the ticket.
palin is an evangelical, anti-choice,pro-gun,right-wing conservative who wants creationism taught in schools. Would anyone really want her to be VP?!?!?!?!?????! She had her states biologists drag 14 new born wolf pups out of their den and, after having shot their parents, they were shot at close range!!!!!! I hope that America isnt stupid enough to Elect McCain and Palin!!!!
I doubt that a lot of the responses are oriaingl thoughts and more likely generated by party platform politics and the result of his writers and given his signature of approval for publication. It is interesting that the questions and answers will probably never reach mainstream media for reprint and analysis save a few fringe individuals or groups that are deeply interested in science and the current disposition of the United States. I won’t go through every question and response but just a few.1.) “My administration will work to guarantee to students access to strong science curriculum at all grade levels so they graduate knowing how science works using hands-on, IT-enhanced education. As president, I will launch a Service Scholarship program that pays undergraduate or graduate teaching education costs for those who commit to teaching in a high-need school, and I will prioritize math and science teachers. Additionally, my proposal to create Teacher Residency Academies will also add 30,000 new teachers to high-need schools training thousands of science and math teachers. I will also expand access to higher education, work to draw more of these students into science and engineering, and increase National Science Foundation (NSF) graduate fellowships. My proposals for providing broadband Internet connections for all Americans across the country will help ensure that more students are able to bolster their STEM achievement.“Specifically…“As president, I will launch a Service Scholarship program that pays undergraduate or graduate teaching education costs for those who commit to teaching in a high-need school, and I will prioritize math and science teachers.“This is not a novel idea at all. In my state of Missouri, the legislature established a college [Warrensburg State Teachers College and still in existence] whereby the state paid for higher education. In exchange, the graduate was to perform a few years teaching at various high schools throughout the state. Not an indentured situation at all but a fair trade agreement between the state and the student. It should be revived.2.) “There can no longer be any doubt that human activities are influencing the global climate and we must react quickly and effectively.“I am not convinced. The history of the Earth cannot be deduced in merely nearly 200 years of industrial activity. An environmental change is a different issue.The bottom line just appears to be more government involvement and government [taxpayers] spending. Fundamental issues of why the middle class is disappearing and less disparity between an earned wage and inflation are paramount.