Will The Real Tyra Banks.. Step Up Front?
Sitting at home on this MLK Jr. holiday there will be many people that watched the early morning version of The Tyra Banks Show. As a result of the popularity of America’s Next Top Model her talk show was created. The success of it allowed Tyra Banks to retire from modeling in 2005. She said it was to be more involved with the talk show, doing what she says is her life mission.. “uplifting women.”
Tyra Banks is in this month’s Vanity Fair magazine, they describe her as Oprah for the Internet Generation.
Can you get any more uplifting than that? Yeah, it’s the famous comparison.
I’d tell you to flip the channels between the two shows, check the girlfriend factor they both share with the audience, the young vs. mom age thing going on, all the other next Oprahs that didn’t sniff Tyra’s current success - $18 million in personal income last year, her Bankable Productions that has part-ownership in both shows, with more to come ( A Glamorous Life following what happens to Top Model losers after they go back to the day jobs) - that’s evidence enough that Tyra’s got the recipe for Oprah’s cookies.
“That’s my mama! I’ve learned the most from watching her.. and Charlie Rose,” Tyra said.
The cash is just a nice thing to have, she doesn’t like talking about it.. “Sometimes I feel guilty for how much money I have.”
And she doesn’t have anyone to share it with.. You know why? They do what I just did..
“The more successful I get,” said Tyra. “The less interested guys are. They just keep asking me questions like ‘You’re a mogul now, huh? Damn.’ Like successful men. Like ‘I read how much money you’re making. That’s really, whoa. You’re on TV every day? Like, really influencing people?”
“When I got this talk show,” she continued. “I was like, Oh my God, it’s going to be so much easier [to meet men] now because they’re going to see that I’m normal and goofy and fart, and so I’ll knock down that veneer of a supermodel.”
“It’s worse.. I always tell a guy that I’m dating: I don’t need you, I want you.”
“But a lot of them are like - alarmed face - I want you to need me. I don’t want you to want me!”
That’s where I break ranks with any guy she’s meeting, who would have a problem with Tyra wanting you? You marry her. Divorce her. Get 10 cents on the dollar. It’s a beautiful situation.
The goofy fart girl vs. supermodel diva delite.
Who’s the real Tyra Banks?
The question is posed throughout the article, which one stands up?
People who can’t stand Tyra think she’s fake on her talk show.
Tyra said she’s actually being fake on Top Model.
“There’s a Nighttime Tyra [Top Model] and there’s a Daytime Tyra [talk show]. The Daytime Tyra is who I am. It’s me kinda, I mean I have three hours of hair and makeup, but it’s me.”
“I’m tough sometimes, I’m warm, I’m uplifting women. That’s my cause, that’s my ‘why I think I’m here’ - to do that.”
“Then there’s the Nighttime Tyra. The Nighttime Tyra is a character. A character that has been created over time.. I have a hit show, but that’s not me. That’s a character!”
She went on to talk about how she would talk to kicked off Top Model contestants for an hour after the show, giving them advice, making sure they weren’t ready to slit their wrists or anything. Her advisors told her to stop.. “we have therapists here for that.”
I think she’s a little of both: farting on your couch and the model turned wise fashion diva, doing whatever it takes to break bread.
Can’t hate her for that.
☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼
Its extremely sad and embarrassing that there are barely any black men on Tyra’s level for her to choose from.
Black women accept way too much bullshit and mediocrity from men. I say hold out, stop being the back bone and force these dudes to upgrade into responsible confident successful men.
No man wants to listen to a woman talk about herself all day long.