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February 14, 2005

Kimora Lee Simmons

"Life & Style", the television show that designer Kimora Simmons hosted with Jules Asner has been canceled and an alleged show insider has given all of the inside dish to the New York Post. All of it is about Kimora and paints her out to be an ugly, ugly woman. I will just let you read her alleged offenses for yourself:

The insider sniped that although Simmons acted like a diva she didn't even deliver ratings. "Sony hired her to bring in the urban audience, but many in the urban community are turned off by her claims of being 'black,' " the Post's source said. Kimora, who runs the Baby Phat clothing line, is part black and part Asian. The source concluded: "Basically, the only reason they didn't fire her is because producers thought the publicity would be bad." Sort of like the show.

Simmon's rep, Rob Shuter, told PAGE SIX: "All these allegations are hurtful and false. Kimora has a dedicated team that she treats like family. She's the hardest-working woman in the business." Some of the offenses on this list seem questionable, but again this is Kimora Simmons we're dealing with, so one never knows.

Those of us who watch and listen to Kimora get to see certain aspects of her personality. I'm sure she is a lovely person when interacting with, like, her children and her mother, but for the most part she seems to be a bitch. Kimora has said and done a lot of things over time that give credence to her being called a bitch. I believe that much of those claims are true, because it sounds like typical Kimora behavior. She is like the wizard of the great and powerful Oz, but she doesn't realize that Oz does not extend past the front door of her house, because she let us all know that she "runs that motherfucker".

The rest of the world does not have to put up with her b.s. the way Russell does. She is so ill behaved to be a grown ass woman. Then the way Russell deifies her is even more sickening than her believing that because she is rich and tall, that she is the queen of the world. That show was just garbage and I love Jules Asner. She should have bitch slapped Kimora and tried to get her fired. Okay, maybe she should not have stooped to that level, but she should have done something. Jules Asner has proven herself as a television personality and an interviewer. Kimora has done no such thing.

I don't know why anyone would have a problem with Kimora considering herself black. She's the most ghetto person in the tabloids. Not that ghetto and black are synonymous, but you guys know what I mean. Not to mention her father is black, as is her stepfather and she was raised in the projects of St. Louis, Missouri. I don't think her blackness needs approval from anyone. I wouldn't care if she claimed to be Finnish, her behavior is deplorable regardless of race or ethnicity. That donut licking thing is nasty, but if they were her donuts, it was her right and privilege to lick every last one of them. It was petty, but nobody's business.

I am curious of the conditions in a work environment where she had to lick a personal food item to hinder someone from stealing it. I think the fact that she works in the place that she feels she has to lick her food is even more ridiculous than the fact that she licked the donuts.

I don't care much for Kimora, but I don't think she's all bad and some of these claims may be exaggerated. Then again, maybe they are not. Either way, Kimora is Kimora all day. We seem to know what to expect from her and she always delivers. They need to just leave poor Kimora alone. She is not going to change and so what if she doesn't?

Making The Band 3
I don't want to spend a lot of time talking about Puffy's latest installment of "Making The Band 3", his MTV reality series, because it's not worth it. The show started with his manager Phil Robinson, a choreographer named Lori something or other and some other man auditioning women in major U.S. cities. They barely showed any singing during the audition process and most of what was shown should have ended up on the cutting room floor. It didn't though. The girls were supposed to be able to sing and dance. Most of them could do neither. Most of them were rhythmless with their dancing and just could not sing.

The one that sticks out to me is Paschan (pronounced Passion) from Chicago. She had not one quality that Puffy was looking for. He wanted pretty girls, who could sing and dance. Paschan looked like five miles of bad road. To top it off, she could not sing. I can't remember if she can dance, but knowing that she was lacking in two of the three required areas is enough. This girl made it to the final group that was chosen to live in the house.

The girls that were brought back to audition for Puffy were horrible and he even said so. He told his staff a number of times that they did a horrible job at choosing these women. They didn't agree, but I did. Those girls were bad. Puffy didn't want to pick any of them. Eventually he gave in picked some of them and sent them to live in the house. He was still unhappy with the girls he had to choose from and I don't blame him. He should have fired Phil, Laurie and an unidentified man on the spot. They did not do what he told them to do.

The utter lack of talent on this show was discouraging and I don't think I really want to see these funny looking, talentless women once a week. They did show previews into the season and there did look to be drama, so that will probably keep me tuned in, in spite of myself. This show airs Thursday on MTV at 10 p.m. EST, for anyone crazy enough to want to torture themselves with it. I definitely don't think it has the promise of "Making The Band 2", but it may be worth watching.

- reported by Keshawnta J.

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